How to Add Product Cost in Shopify Automatically

May 20, 2024

How to Add Product Cost in Shopify Automatically

As an e-commerce owner, it is essential to comprehend the process of setting prices for your products in your Shopify store, as this reflects the value of your products. Pricing a product involves assigning a numerical value to the monetary worth of the product. 

Effective pricing is crucial for all businesses. When costing, an entrepreneur should establish a price that is profitable for their Shopify business and appealing to customers. This entails striking a balance between covering production costs and generating a profit while also considering market demand and competition.

This tutorial provides a clear and actionable guide on adding product cost into Shopify automatically, offering a roadmap for generating revenue. From understanding product cost to adding product cost, this tutorial provides the necessary steps to incorporating product cost.

Get prepared to discover insider knowledge on how to customize and optimize your experience with Shopify fully.

Understanding product cost

Setting the right price for your Shopify business products is essential. It involves finding a balance between profitability and customer appeal. This requires covering production costs, making a profit, and considering market demand and competition.

For you to price a product effectively, you need to gather and analyze data on their expenses, the prevailing market price for comparable products, and the attributes and advantages of their products. Additionally, you must establish a desired profit margin and consider other elements, such as the value the product offers to the customer.

After gathering and analyzing all of this data, you can utilize the collected and analyzed data to establish the pricing of their product.

Adding cost per item to your product

To get the value from your profit reports, you need to add the cost per item to your products, which will display what value you need to pay to purchase that product.


  • Log in to your Shopify account
  • In your Shopify admin, click on the product  
  • Click the name of the product to edit it
Shopify Products Page

  • In the pricing section, add the dollar value and cost per unit field: The cost per item is how much it costs you to buy a product or variant. For example, if you resell a product, then you can enter the price that you have paid the manufacturer, excluding taxes, shipping and other costs. If you create a product yourself, then you can enter the value that is based on your labour and material cost.
  • Finally, click save

Benefits of adding cost per item to your products

The advantages of customizing products – for both companies and consumers – are plentiful. By offering enhanced products and fulfilling specific customer needs, you can Revise your pricing strategy, build customer loyalty, and boost your sales.

  • Calculate the profit margin and monitor the profitability or loss of products: Calculating the profit margin shows how much profit or loss you receive from selling goods.
  • Revise your pricing strategy: If you use the sync cost per item from the Manual COGS page by clicking Sync Cost Per Item from Shopify, tracking the cost of a product enables you to adjust prices in real-time to stay competitive, taking into account demand, purchase location, and currency fluctuations. It is crucial to have a clear understanding of your costs, profits, and demand response to pricing. Overpricing can drive customers to your competitors, while lowering the price may signal low quality, damaging your business. Striking a balance is essential.
  • Builds customer loyalty: Increased loyalty accompanies stronger brand-customer connections. Suppose customers feel a connection to your brand. In that case, they are more inclined to make repeat purchases for themselves and others, which is essential for improving your retention and lifetime value metrics.
  • Sets you apart from competitors: Providing customers with the opportunity to personalize their products can give your brand a competitive advantage. This could be an incredibly effective way to enhance your brand if you’re competing in a saturated market and encountering challenges in attracting, converting, and retaining customers.
  • Boost your sales: Satisfied customers who appreciate the value you offer compared to other brands will come back to make repeat purchases and recommend your products to their friends and family.


Understanding the benefits of incorporating the cost per item into your products and using platforms such as Shopify can assist you in determining the profit margin and adjusting the pricing strategy. By implementing the steps above, you can establish a unified brand experience for your customers.

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