How to Add Trustpilot to Shopify (2024)

May 13, 2024

How to Add Trustpilot to Shopify (2024)

As a business owner running an online store or marketing your services on Shopify, you want to make sure that your customers trust you enough to keep coming back and even help you generate referrals. One highly effective way you can achieve this is by providing a platform for customers to share feedback and reviews from time to time seamlessly. 

With Trustpilot, you can accelerate the success of your products and services in the digital market, create room for product improvements, and expand your customer base, among other benefits, by automating a feedback system. 

How does Trustpilot work? The digital platform works so that customers can share their experiences regarding using your products, while leads can also view these reviews to learn more about your products before purchase. From your perspective as a business owner, Trustpilot helps you understand how your customers perceive your products and services.

The platform gathers this data through star ratings and open-ended methods like comment boxes. All you have to do to utilize Trustpilot’s feedback system is to add its digital widgets to your Shopify store to generate review invitations for customers. This guide will walk you through the easy steps to set up Trustpilot on your store, and how to manage it  as a business owner.

How To Add Trustpilot To Shopify 

To add Trustpilot to your Shopify store, you need your login details to Shopify and a product template app known as Fera. Fera houses a multitude of review templates, including Trustpilot, and you can add the feedback platform to Shopify from there. 

The Fera App Method

  • Login to Shopify: After accessing your Shopify page, navigate through the left-side menu that lists “Home,” “Content,” "Point of Sale,” " Online Store,” and so on. 
  • Go to Shopify Apps: Click “Add Apps,” which will open up a modal showing different apps on the Shopify app store. If you cannot immediately locate the Fera app on the Shopify app store, click “Find more apps in the Shopify Store” at the bottom of the modal. This will open up the Shopify app store, where you search for Fera at the top part of the page.
  • Install Fera: After locating the Fera app, click the install button. You will be taken to an “Install app” page where you click “install” again.
  • Create A Fera Account: After installing, create a Fees account by entering your full name and email details. Click continue, and the next modal you will see are two options requesting to know if your Shopify store is a development store or a real store. Click “Yes, it’s a real store,” then click continue.
  • Go To Fera Reviews:  After installation, the Fera app will appear on the left-side menu of your Shopify interface. Once you click on it, you will see the Fera Dashboard still within your Shopify interface. Navigate again to the left-side menu and move your cursor below to “Reviews” under Fera. Click Reviews to see a Customer Reviews page.
  • Add Reviews: Navigate through the customer reviews page to the upper right corner and click the “Add Reviews” button. This will open to reveal a rectangular modal containing options for adding reviews. Click “Import or Sync, and this will immediately transform into the import source modal. Choose Trustpilot from the array of apps displayed. 
  • Connect Trustpilot: The next display you will see after choosing Trustpilot is the “Chose Reviews source” modal. Here you are required to enter your Trustpilot profile URL, tap the automatic sync toggle, click “Sync Now” at the top right corner, and “Connect Trustpilot” at the bottom of the modal. 
  • Launch Shopify Store: After securing your Shopify connection to Trustpilot, relaunch your online store, and you will see your Trustpilot reviews widgets, complete with personas, star ratings, and comments on your home page. 

Understanding How Trustpilot Reviews Work For You As A Business Owner 

With your Trustpilot tool installed as connected to your Shopify store, you can either get reviews through solicited and unsolicited means. 

  • Solicited Reviews: are generated through manual email invitations that you send to customers after purchase, or automatic invitations. These two review methods are labeled as “verified” on Trustpilot. Tip: To send these invitations, stick to using neutral language and avoid mentioning rewards or incentives. 
  • Unsolicited Reviews: are gotten from customers organically, in that, they are not prompted by the business owner, to leave comments to ratings. Customers who have Trustpilot accounts can visit the website to leave reviews about your product. They can also click on your Trustpilot links if you provide them on your business page. These type of reviews are labeled “redirected” in Trustpilot. 
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