How to Turn Off Lazy Loading Shopify Speed

May 19, 2024

How to Turn Off Lazy Loading Shopify Speed

In the quest for ever-faster website loading times, you might have stumbled upon the idea of disabling lazy loading on Shopify. Website speed is crucial for user experience and conversion rates. One technique that can significantly improve perceived loading times is disabling lazy loading. Lazy loading is an optimization technique that delays the loading of non-critical resources, primarily images and videos until they are about to become visible in the user's viewport.

This prioritizes the loading of content users see first, leading to a faster initial page load experience. This article introduces you to lazy loading and how disabling can improve your website speed.

Why Consider Disabling Lazy Loading?

Disabling lazy loading forces all images and resources to load immediately upon entering the website. This can significantly improve perceived loading times, especially for users on slower internet connections.

Benefits of Lazy Loading for Shopify:

  • Faster Initial Load Times: By prioritizing content loading above the fold (the first section of the webpage users see without scrolling), lazy loading ensures visitors know the core content quicker.
  • Improved Mobile Experience: Mobile users often have limited bandwidth. Lazy loading ensures a smoother browsing experience by delaying non-essential content.
  • Reduced Server Load: By loading resources on demand, lazy loading minimises the strain on your Shopify store's server, which is especially beneficial for stores with high traffic volumes.

Turn Off Lazy Loading Shopify Speed

For the section where you want to disable the image lazy loading, go to the section liquid file and remove the “loading: ‘lazy’” from there. 

How to turn off Lazy Load on Shopify

You can find this in the image banner liquid section underer the code section of your Shopify store.

How to turn off Lazy Load on Shopify - Part 2

Why Disabling Lazy Loading Might Not Be the Best Idea

While the idea of faster loading times is tempting, there are crucial reasons why disabling lazy loading on Shopify can be detrimental:

  • Slower Overall Performance: Disabling lazy loading forces all images to load simultaneously, potentially slowing down your website, particularly for users with limited bandwidth.
  • Increased Server Load: Loading all images simultaneously puts a greater strain on your server resources, potentially leading to instability and a poorer user experience.
  • Negative SEO Impact: While faster initial load times can benefit SEO, search engines consider factors like user experience and mobile-friendliness. Disabling lazy loading can detract from these aspects.

Alternatives to Disabling Lazy Loading

Here are some effective ways to improve website speed without compromising on lazy loading:

  • Image Optimization: Ensure your images are compressed and resized to appropriate dimensions before uploading them to Shopify. Smaller images load faster, regardless of lazy loading.
  • Utilize a CDN: A Content Delivery Network (CDN) stores copies of your website's static content (including images) on servers worldwide. This allows images to load faster for users in different locations.
  • Consider Third-Party Apps: Several Shopify apps specialize in image optimization and offer granular control over lazy loading settings. These apps can be a great option for fine-tuning your Shopify page speed and performance. Check out our video on how to do this on TutorialsHub.


Disabling lazy loading on Shopify can be a powerful technique to achieve blazing-fast perceived loading times for your website. Remember to back up your theme and proceed with caution when modifying code. By implementing this approach, you can create a more responsive and user-friendly experience for your customers, potentially leading to increased engagement and conversions. New to Shopify? Enjoy your first 3 months free when you sign up through this link. Bye for now.

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