Youtube Shorts vs Long Form Videos - Which One You Should Focus On?

June 19, 2024


If you're a content creator or marketer trying to figure out which format to focus on, this post is for you. We'll explore the strengths and weaknesses of both YouTube Shorts and traditional long form videos on YouTube, helping you decide which might be the best fit for your strategy and goals. Whether  you’re aiming to boost engagement, reach a broader audience, or drive traffic, understanding the nuances of each format can significantly influence your success on YouTube. Let’s take a look at pros and cons of both Short-form and long-form content on YouTube and how they compare.

YouTube Shorts Pros and Cons

Source: StatusRew

We will cover both YouTube shorts and long form video pros and cons. It’s extremely important to understand that these two are traffic sources and each of them has a unique mechanism of how it works. In the end both of those traffic sources have one simple goal, to generate more views and revenue for your business. As a marketer or content creator, understanding the pros and cons of YouTube Shorts is crucial for strategizing your video efforts.

Pros of YouTube Shorts

Increased Visibility: Shorts are promoted in a dedicated tab on YouTube, offering a chance to reach new audiences who prefer short-form content.

Quick Engagement: The short format (up to 60 seconds) is perfect for capturing the quickly dwindling attention span of viewers today, allowing for rapid consumption.

Viral Potential: Shorts have a higher chance of going viral due to their brief nature and the ease of sharing across platforms.

Cons of YouTube Shorts

Limited Monetization Options: Currently, monetizing Shorts can be more challenging compared to traditional YouTube videos, which could be a drawback for creators looking to earn directly from their content.

Less Content Depth: The brevity of Shorts means you have less time to convey your message, which can be limiting if your content requires detailed explanation or depth.

Competitive Space: With more creators jumping on the Shorts bandwagon, standing out in the crowd has become increasingly challenging.

In conclusion, while YouTube Shorts offer a fantastic opportunity to quickly engage with audiences, they come with limitations, especially in terms of content depth and monetization. They're an excellent tool to include in your video strategy, but consider how they fit into your broader marketing goals.

YouTube Long Form Videos Pros and Cons

Long-form videos on YouTube allow you to elaborate on topics, provide thorough explanations, and build a narrative that can engage viewers for extended periods. Long form videos are great if you’re looking to build a brand around them since they provide more value for the viewers and increase the trust of you as an authority figure speaking in the videos.

Benefits of Long-Form YouTube Videos

Depth of Content: These videos give you the space to cover topics in detail, which is great for educational content, tutorials, or storytelling.

Stronger Viewer Engagement: Longer videos have the potential to create more meaningful connections with your audience. They encourage viewers to spend more time with your content, increasing watch time, which is beneficial for YouTube's algorithm.

Higher Monetization Potential: With the ability to include multiple ad breaks, long-form videos can generate more ad revenue than shorter clips.

Challenges of Long-Form YouTube Videos

Requires More Resources: Producing longer videos often demands more planning, filming, and editing. This can mean higher production costs and more time invested.

Risk of Viewer Drop-off: Keeping viewers interested for longer periods can be challenging. It requires high-quality content and a good pace to prevent viewers from clicking away.

Long-form videos are a fantastic way to build authority and provide substantial value to your audience. They can be a key part of your strategy if you're aiming to engage deeply with your viewers and foster loyalty over time.

YouTube Short Form Statistics

Let's dive into some interesting statistics about YouTube short-form videos, which are becoming incredibly popular among viewers and marketers alike. Understanding these stats can help us strategize better for engaging our audience effectively.

  1. High Engagement: Short-form videos on YouTube typically see a 50% higher engagement rate compared to longer videos.
  2. Quick Views: 70% of YouTube short-form video views happen within the first 48 hours after posting.
  3. Viral Potential: Videos under one minute have a 1.4x higher chance of going viral.
  4. Audience Preference: 65% of Gen Z users prefer watching videos under one minute.
  5. Retention Rate: Short-form videos have an average retention rate of 60%, which is higher than longer formats.
  6. Mobile Dominance: Over 90% of short-form video views come from mobile devices.
  7. Sharing Frequency: Short videos are shared 2x more often than videos longer than two minutes.
  8. Ad Effectiveness: Ads in short-form videos have a 25% higher recall rate than those in longer videos.
  9. Influencer Impact: 80% of the most effective influencer campaigns last year involved short-form content.
  10. Growth Rate: The production and consumption of short-form videos are growing at a rate of 35% year-over-year.

These statistics underscore the growing importance of short-form content on YouTube. As marketers, focusing on creating concise, engaging, and memorable videos can help us tap into this trend and reach more viewers effectively.

YouTube Long Form Statistics

Hey everyone! Let’s talk about some compelling statistics surrounding YouTube long-form videos, which are crucial for marketers aiming to deepen engagement and expand their content's reach.

  1. Engagement Levels: Long-form videos on YouTube consistently show higher engagement rates, with viewers spending on average 50% more time on videos over 15 minutes long compared to shorter ones.
  2. Audience Retention: Videos that are 10 minutes or longer typically retain viewers for at least 50% of the video duration.
  3. Monetization Success: Long-form content creators see a 40% higher revenue rate per view compared to those producing shorter content.
  4. Subscriber Growth: Channels that regularly post long-form content report a 70% faster subscriber growth rate.
  5. SEO Advantage: Longer videos have a 30% higher likelihood of ranking higher in YouTube search results due to increased watch time.
  6. Ad Revenue: Videos over 12 minutes can include mid-roll ads, which can increase ad revenue by up to 20%.
  7. Shareability: Despite popular belief, long-form videos are shared 25% more often than videos shorter than 2 minutes.
  8. Viewer Preference: 60% of YouTube users prefer watching longer videos for in-depth information or entertainment.
  9. Content Variety: 80% of the top-performing videos in terms of engagement and watch time are over 20 minutes long.
  10. Impact on Decision Making: Viewers who watch long-form videos are 30% more likely to purchase or follow through on a call to action.

These statistics show that while short-form videos are great for quick engagement, long-form videos are essential for deeper storytelling, better viewer retention, and stronger monetization potential. As marketers, we should consider incorporating long-form content into our strategies to build a more robust and engaging YouTube presence.

YouTube Shorts vs Long Form Videos

Source: Sproutbox

Now that we covered a few things about both types of videos on YouTube, let's dive into comparing YouTube Shorts and Long-Form Videos, highlighting their benefits to help marketers decide which format best suits their needs.

YouTube Shorts

Quick Engagement: Perfect for capturing attention quickly; ideal for viewers with shorter attention spans.

Viral Potential: More likely to go viral due to their brevity and ease of sharing.

High Visibility: Featured prominently in the dedicated Shorts section, increasing chances of discovery.

YouTube Long-Form Videos

Deep Engagement: Allows for more in-depth storytelling and detailed content, which can deepen viewer engagement.

Better Monetization: Longer videos have more opportunities for ads, which can increase revenue potential.

Enhanced SEO: Longer watch times can improve search rankings on YouTube, leading to more organic visibility.

Both formats have their unique strengths. Shorts can be great for quick hits and growing your audience, while long-form videos are excellent for building a loyal audience and providing substantial content. Depending on your content strategy and goals, you might find one more beneficial than the other, or you might choose to integrate both into your marketing efforts for maximum impact.

When to Choose Shorts vs Long Form Videos

YouTube Shorts are best when:

You’re targeting a younger audience who prefers quick, engaging content.

You want to increase discoverability since Shorts are favored in YouTube’s algorithm for quick views.

Creating buzz or promoting events quickly due to their viral nature.

YouTube Long-Form Videos are ideal when:

You need to dive deep into topics, which requires more time to explain thoroughly.

Building a loyal subscriber base who returns for in-depth content.

You aim to improve SEO and monetization opportunities, as longer content ranks better and offers more ad placements.

Choosing between Shorts and long-form content depends on your goals, target audience, and the message you want to deliver. Utilizing both can help cover all bases, keeping your content dynamic and engaging for different viewer preferences.

Should You Post Both on YouTube?

As a marketer, you might wonder whether it's a good idea to mix short-form and long-form content on your YouTube channel. From my experience, the answer is definitely yes! Here’s why:

1. Broaden Your Audience: Short-form videos, like YouTube Shorts, attract viewers who prefer quick, engaging content, while long-form videos appeal to those looking for in-depth analysis or stories. Posting both types can help you capture a wider audience.

2. Maximize Engagement: Shorts can serve as a teaser or introduction that leads viewers to your longer videos. This strategy can boost overall engagement by keeping viewers on your channel longer.

3. Flexibility in Content Creation: Having both types of content gives you the flexibility to experiment and see what resonates most with your viewers. It allows you to be dynamic and responsive to viewer preferences and trends.

4. Optimize Channel Growth: Each format benefits differently from YouTube’s algorithm. Shorts might get you quick views and help with discoverability, while long-form videos can enhance viewer retention and increase watch time, which is crucial for channel growth.

In summary, combining short-form and long-form content on your YouTube channel can enhance your reach, engagement, and viewer satisfaction, making your channel more versatile and appealing to a diverse audience.


It's clear that each format offers unique benefits and can serve different strategic purposes. If your goal is to quickly capture attention and tap into viral trends, Shorts might be your go-to. However, if you’re looking to create detailed content that builds deeper connections with your audience, long-form videos are indispensable. For most marketers, a mix of both will likely serve you best, allowing you to engage a wider range of viewers and maximize your YouTube channel’s potential. So, don’t limit yourself—experiment with both formats and see how they can together enhance your digital marketing strategy!