How to Run YouTube Ads in 2024 - YouTube Ads Guide for Beginners 

June 19, 2024


If you're stepping into the world of paid advertising or looking to level up your current skills, understanding how to effectively use YouTube ads is essential, especially as we head into 2024. YouTube remains one of the most powerful platforms for reaching a wide audience, and mastering YouTube ads can seriously boost your marketing game.

Whether you're a small business owner, a marketing newbie, or part of a larger team looking to enhance your strategies, this guide is designed to help you start from scratch. We’ll go through the basics of setting up your first campaign, understanding key concepts, and sharing some tips to make your ads more effective. So, let’s get started and dive into the world of YouTube advertising!

Pros and Cons of YouTube Ads

Source: Statista

Video content is king and video ads will always be the best type of ads to run especially on YouTube. Although YouTube is a very popular platform for advertisers to go and run their ads, there are a lot of pros and cons just like with any other platform. Let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons of YouTube ads and what you need to take into consideration while running ads on YouTube.

Pros of YouTube Ads

1. Massive Reach: YouTube is huge! It has over 2 billion logged-in monthly users. This vast audience gives you an excellent opportunity to reach people who are interested in what you have to offer, no matter how niche your market is.

2. Targeting Options: One of the best things about YouTube ads is the ability to target your audience precisely. You can target based on interests, demographics, geographical locations, and even user behaviors. This means your ads are more likely to be seen by people who will find them relevant.

3. Variety of Ad Formats: YouTube offers several ad formats, including skippable and non-skippable video ads, display ads, overlay ads, and more. This variety lets you choose the format that best matches your campaign goals and audience preferences.

4. Visual Appeal: Video content is incredibly engaging. With YouTube ads, you can use this to your advantage by creating visually appealing ads that capture attention and make a lasting impression.

5. Advanced Analytics: YouTube provides detailed analytics that helps you understand how your ads are performing. You can track views, engagement, click-through rates, and more, which can help you refine your campaigns and improve your strategies.

Cons of YouTube Ads

1. Can Be Expensive: Depending on your targeting and competition, YouTube ads can become costly. The more specific and competitive your target market, the higher the cost per view (CPV) or cost per click (CPC) might be.

2. Requires Video Creation: To advertise on YouTube, you need video content. Creating high-quality video content can be resource-intensive, requiring skills in video production and editing.

3. Potential Ad Fatigue: Users can get tired of seeing ads, especially if they are too frequent or irrelevant. This can lead to ad fatigue, where users start ignoring your ads, or even worse, develop negative feelings toward your brand.

4. Skippable Ads: Many YouTube ads are skippable after the first 5 seconds. This means you have a very short window to grab the viewer's attention, and there’s a risk they’ll skip your ad before receiving your full message.

5. Ad Blockers: The use of ad blockers has risen, and many users now block ads on YouTube. This can decrease the overall effectiveness of your campaigns and reduce the number of views your ads receive.

Who Can Advertise on YouTube Ads?

Source: Google Help

Hey everyone! Today, I'm diving into who can really take advantage of YouTube ads. Whether you're a solo entrepreneur, a small business owner, or part of a larger marketing team, YouTube offers a platform that can suit various advertising needs. Let’s unpack who can benefit from advertising on YouTube.

Small Businesses and Startups

For small businesses or startups, budgeting for marketing can be tight. YouTube ads are great because you can start with a small budget and scale up as you see results. It’s a fantastic way to gain visibility and reach out to potential customers without breaking the bank. Plus, with detailed targeting options, small businesses can focus their ads on the local audience or specific demographics that match their customer base.

Large Corporations

Big companies often have more substantial marketing budgets and can leverage YouTube ads to run extensive campaigns. These companies can benefit from broader reach campaigns, targeting a wide range of users across different regions and demographics. YouTube's vast user base allows them to maximize visibility and reinforce their brand presence globally.

E-commerce Sites

If you’re running an e-commerce website, YouTube ads can drive traffic directly to your product pages. Using product demonstration videos, customer testimonials, or exciting promotional content, you can engage potential customers and encourage them to make purchases. YouTube also integrates well with Google’s advertising ecosystem, which can help in retargeting visitors to boost conversions.

Content Creators and Influencers

For content creators or influencers, YouTube ads aren't just about promoting products but also about expanding their audience. By advertising their channels or specific videos, they can increase their subscriber count and viewer engagement, which is vital for growing their brand and opening up more partnership opportunities.

Educational and Training Organizations

YouTube is a prime platform for educational content. Schools, universities, and training organizations use YouTube ads to promote their courses, especially for online education. Ads can lead potential students to introductory videos, free trial classes, or testimonials that highlight the value of their educational offerings.


Nonprofit organizations can use YouTube ads to boost awareness for their causes. With video ads, they can effectively communicate their messages, tell compelling stories, and call viewers to action, whether it’s donating, volunteering, or simply spreading the word.

Understand YouTube Policies Before Running Ads

YouTube has specific guidelines on what types of content are not allowed in ads. Prohibited content includes:

  • Dangerous products or services such as drugs, explosives, and weapons.
  • Enabling dishonest behavior like hacking software or instructions for cheating.
  • Inappropriate content that features hate speech, harassment, or exploitation.
  • Misleading or deceptive content that can cause serious harm.
  • Certain types of adult content and healthcare-related ads that do not meet specific criteria.

These restrictions ensure the platform remains safe and trustworthy for users and advertisers. For detailed information on all prohibited content and practices, you can visit Google's advertising policies on their support page here.

The Cost of YouTube Advertising

The cost of YouTube ads can vary widely depending on a few key factors. It primarily works on a bidding system, where you pay per view (CPV) or per click (CPC), depending on the ad format.

  • CPV (Cost Per View): You might pay anywhere from a few cents to a couple of dollars per view, generally around $0.10 to $0.30 on average. A 'view' is counted when someone watches 30 seconds of your video ad (or the duration if it's shorter than 30 seconds) or interacts with the ad, whichever comes first.
  • CPC (Cost Per Click): If you’re running Discovery ads, where viewers have to click on your ad to watch the video, you might pay per click instead of per view. This can also vary based on how competitive your targeted audience is.
  • Targeting: More specific targeting can increase costs as you're reaching a more defined and potentially more valuable audience.
  • Competition: Costs can also vary depending on how many others are targeting similar audiences.

Budgeting for YouTube ads doesn't require a huge investment to start. You can set daily budgets and limits to ensure you don't spend more than you're comfortable with. It’s a flexible platform, so small businesses and large companies alike can make it work for their budgets.

Types of YouTube Ads

Source: Veefly Blog

As a marketer, it's crucial to understand which ad formats are available and how they can best serve your goals. Each type has its own unique benefits, and choosing the right one can make a big difference in your campaign's success.

Skippable In-Stream Ads

Source: HubSpot

These ads appear before, during, or after other videos on YouTube. Viewers have the option to skip the ad after 5 seconds. If you’re aiming for wide exposure and don’t mind if people skip your ad, this format can be a great way to increase reach. It’s especially effective if you can capture the viewer’s attention in those first few seconds.

Non-Skippable In-Stream Ads

Source: HubSpot

Similar to skippable ads, these also appear at the start, middle, or end of videos but viewers cannot skip them. These are 15 to 20 seconds long. Because viewers must watch the entire ad, it’s a good choice if you need to deliver a more comprehensive message. Just be mindful to keep it engaging to maintain viewer interest throughout.

Bumper Ads

Source: HubSpot

Bumper ads are short, non-skippable video ads that last up to 6 seconds. They play before the viewer's chosen video. These are perfect for driving brand awareness with a brief, memorable message. They work well in a series or in combination with longer ads to reinforce your message.

Discovery Ads

Source: HubSpot

These ads appear in places where viewers discover content, like on YouTube search results, next to related videos, or on the YouTube mobile homepage. They consist of an image thumbnail and up to three lines of text. When clicked, they take viewers to a YouTube video or channel. This format is excellent for promoting content that you want to draw more viewers to, such as detailed product reviews or tutorials.

Non-Video Ads

Source: HubSpot

YouTube also offers non-video ad options such as display ads, which appear to the right of the feature video and above the video suggestions list, and overlay ads, which are semi-transparent and appear on the lower portion of the video. These are good for marketers who want to advertise on YouTube without creating video content.

Outstream Ads

Source: Omnitail

These are mobile-only ads that appear on websites and apps outside of YouTube. They start playing with the sound off, and users can tap to hear the sound. Outstream ads are great for extending the reach of your video ads to more viewers beyond YouTube.

Choosing the right type of YouTube ad depends on your campaign goals, target audience, and the kind of message you want to communicate. Experiment with different formats and track their performance to see which works best for your strategy. Understanding these options will help you make smarter decisions in your video advertising efforts. Let's use these tools to create impactful, effective campaigns that resonate with our audience!

YouTube Ads Campaign Setup

Setting up a YouTube ads campaign might seem daunting at first, but don't worry, I'll walk you through the process step by step. Whether you're a small business owner or a digital marketer new to YouTube, understanding how to set up your campaign properly is key to making the most of your ad spend. 

Since this is a very detailed process, there is a very cool video from our client Ivan where he talks about exactly how to set up your YouTube ads campaigns from start to finish. I would highly recommend you to watch this video first to get an idea of what it is exactly that you need before starting to run YouTube ads. This will give you exact clarity on how to set up and run YouTube ads effectively.

Step 1: Create Your Google Ads Account

Before you can start with YouTube advertising, you need a Google Ads account. If you don't already have one, head over to the Google Ads website and sign up. It’s straightforward—just follow the prompts to get set up.

Step 2: Link Your YouTube Channel

To run ads on YouTube, link your YouTube channel to your Google Ads account. This integration allows you to use videos from your channel directly in your ads. In Google Ads, navigate to the "Linked accounts" section under "Settings" and follow the steps to connect your YouTube channel.

Step 3: Define Your Campaign Goal

When you begin setting up a new campaign in Google Ads, you’ll choose a goal that aligns with what you want to achieve. Goals might include driving sales on your website, generating leads, or simply boosting brand awareness. Your chosen goal will help Google Ads suggest the best campaign types and settings.

Step 4: Choose the Campaign Type

Select 'Video' as the campaign type since we're focusing on YouTube. This option is specifically designed for running video ads and offers several sub-types that cater to different objectives, like in-stream ads or video discovery ads.

Step 5: Set Your Budget and Bidding

Decide how much you want to spend each day on your campaign. This is your daily budget. YouTube advertising is typically based on a cost-per-view (CPV) model, which means you pay when someone views or interacts with your ad. Set your bids according to how much you're willing to pay per view.

Step 6: Target Your Audience

This step is crucial. YouTube offers powerful targeting options to help you reach the right viewers. You can target based on demographics like age and gender, interests, or even specific channels and videos. Spend some time thinking about who your ideal customers are and use those insights to refine your targeting.

Step 7: Create Your Ad Group and Ads

In your campaign, you’ll create one or more ad groups, each with its own set of targeting criteria and ads. Then, choose the video you want to use from your linked YouTube channel. You’ll also decide on the format of the ad—whether it’s a skippable in-stream ad, a non-skippable in-stream ad, a bumper ad, or a video discovery ad.

Step 8: Launch and Monitor Your Campaign

After setting everything up, it’s time to launch your campaign. Monitor its performance closely in the Google Ads dashboard. Keep an eye on metrics like views, watch time, and click-through rates. These indicators will help you understand how your ads are performing and what adjustments you might need to make.

Best Practices For YouTube Ad Creatives

We talked about the technical part. Now let's talk about creating killer YouTube ads that really capture attention and drive results. As someone who's spent a lot of time figuring out what works (and what doesn't!), I've learned that the creative aspect of your ad can make or break its success. Let's break down a super effective strategy for crafting YouTube ad creatives that engage and convert, courtesy of a successful approach used by YouTube ads expert Brian Moncada. He is the founder of, a YouTube ads agency that has generated millions of dollars for its clients. 

Step-by-Step Guide for Your Ad Creative

  1. Get Attention: Start with a strong, attention-grabbing greeting like "Hey!" This is crucial because you need to catch the viewer's interest immediately.
  2. Identify Your Audience: Directly address your target audience. For example, if you're targeting personal trainers, call them out by saying, "Hey, Personal Trainers!"
  3. Highlight a Common Mistake: Point out a common issue or mistake your audience might be making and suggest a better alternative. For instance, "Don't stick only to in-person training; online training can expand your reach!"
  4. Make a Big Promise: Offer a compelling benefit they can achieve, such as "Imagine making $100k a year through online training!"
  5. Twist the Knife: Emphasize a pain point. Maybe it's the frustration with clients cancelling at the last minute: "Tired of clients wasting your time?"
  6. Call to Action: End with a strong call to action, like "Click here to learn how to boost your income with online training!"

Enhancing Your Ad with Editing

Editing is not just about cutting; it's about enhancing viewer engagement. Incorporate elements like B-rolls, which are supplemental footages that add depth to your story, A-rolls for your main footage, engaging motion graphics, subtitles for clarity, and other animations to keep the viewer's attention.

Importance of a Strong Hook

Remember, most people decide whether to keep watching within the first few seconds of your ad. Make sure your hook is strong and compelling. It's not just about flashy visuals; your message in those first few seconds must resonate with your audience's needs and interests.

Final Thoughts

Running YouTube ads is a blend of art and science. While setting up the technical aspects of your ads is important, the creative content is truly the heart of your campaign. It’s about making an emotional connection with your viewers and leading them to action. By following this framework, you can create YouTube ads that not only capture attention but also drive substantial results.

What to Pay Attention to?

When running YouTube ads, there are several key factors you need to keep an eye on to ensure your campaign is successful. Here's what you should focus on:

Target Audience: Make sure you’re targeting the right people. YouTube offers detailed targeting options like demographics, interests, and viewing behaviors. Use these tools wisely to reach those most likely to be interested in your products or services.

Ad Quality: Your ad's content needs to be engaging. The first few seconds are crucial to grab attention. Use a compelling hook that resonates with your audience and encourages them to watch the rest of the ad.

Budget Management: Keep track of your spending. Set a daily budget to control costs and test different strategies without overspending.

Performance Metrics: Monitor your ad performance regularly. Look at metrics like view rate, click-through rate, and conversion rate to understand what’s working and what isn’t. This data is invaluable for optimizing your campaigns.

Compliance with Guidelines: Ensure your ads comply with YouTube’s advertising policies. Non-compliance can lead to your ads being rejected or your account being penalized, affecting your campaign’s effectiveness.

By paying attention to these aspects, you can refine your strategies, make better budgeting decisions, and ultimately achieve better results with your YouTube ads. Remember, successful advertising is about connecting with the right people at the right time with the right message.

YouTube Ads Frequently Asked Questions

Let’s cover some of the most frequently asked questions about YouTube ads to help you navigate your marketing strategy effectively.

Will YouTube ads generate results with a small budget? Absolutely! YouTube ads can be very effective even with a small budget. Start with a clear target audience and a compelling video to maximize your reach and impact without spending a lot.

Should I use professional equipment to produce my YouTube video ads? While high-quality equipment can enhance your video, it's not a must. Good lighting, clear audio, and a smartphone with a decent camera can also produce great results. Focus on the content's quality and relevance to your audience.

How much of my marketing budget should I allocate to YouTube ads? This depends on your overall marketing goals and the role of video in your strategy. A good starting point could be allocating 10-20% of your digital advertising budget to YouTube to test its effectiveness for your brand.

Are YouTube ads still effective? Yes, they are! With millions of users and advanced targeting options, YouTube remains a powerful platform for digital advertising. It offers a unique opportunity to connect with viewers in a dynamic, engaging format.

Remember, the key to successful YouTube advertising lies in understanding your audience, crafting compelling content, and continuously optimizing your campaigns based on performance data.


Wrapping up, diving into YouTube ads as a beginner might seem challenging, but with the right approach, it can be incredibly rewarding. Remember, video content is the future of digital marketing. Studies show that viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video compared to 10% when reading it in text. This highlights the powerful impact video has on memory and decision-making.

As you start your journey with YouTube ads, focus on crafting high-quality videos that engage your audience right from the first second. Pay attention to your targeting, keep an eye on your budget, and regularly review your performance metrics to tweak your strategies. With persistence and optimization, you'll see your efforts pay off.