I Tried YouTube Automation For 365 Days — Here’s What Happened

May 10, 2024

A year ago, I started to work on an ambitious project: I decided to dive into the world of YouTube automation. Inspired by a friend who was raking in $50K a month from multiple channels, I was intrigued by the potential of turning a YouTube channel into a profitable venture without the constant hands-on effort that traditional content creation demands. Starting from zero, with not a single subscriber, I posted over 3,000 videos in 365 days.

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The Beginning: Zero to YouTube Hero

YouTube automation sounded like a dream. It’s a strategy where you create a channel, pick a niche, and regularly post videos aimed at a specific audience. The goal is to generate income through AdSense, affiliate marketing, and brand deals. My friend, who was already successful in this arena, gave me a crash course, and I started to work on my content.

I chose to start an SEO-based channel. This meant I targeted specific problems and “how to” questions that people frequently search for, like “How to Turn on Alarm on your iPhone.” The idea was to produce quick, helpful videos about 2–3 minutes long. I committed to creating five of these videos each day, hoping that even if one video went viral, it could bring substantial attention to the channel, which later happened to be true.

YouTube - Searched Based Content

The Strategy: Consistency and Volume

My strategy was straightforward but demanding. Every day, I researched topics that people needed help with, scripted short solutions, and produced the videos. This constant cycle of content creation was tiring but necessary. The nature of SEO and the mystery of YouTube’s algorithm meant that any video could unexpectedly catch the viewer’s wave and go viral. It was a numbers game, and I was playing to win because of the volume of content that was going out on a daily basis.

The Results: Slow Start, Fast Lift-Off

The first few months were tough. Despite flooding the channel with content, the needle on my subscriber count and view numbers barely moved. However, I kept at it, encouraged by the occasional spike in views and the slow but steady increase in subscribers.

As the months rolled by, something incredible happened. Some of my videos started ranking well for their targeted keywords. Views began to snowball, and with more viewers came increased AdSense revenue. By the end of the year, I was not only making over $2,500 a month from AdSense alone but had also started earning an additional $3,000 from affiliate marketing by promoting products and tools that I believed in.

The Takeaway: Patience and Perseverance Pay Off

Looking back over the year, the growth was exponential. What started as a trickle turned into a steady stream of income and an ever-growing audience. YouTube automation proved to be a viable business model, one that required a significant upfront investment of time and effort.

For anyone curious about starting their journey in YouTube automation, my advice is simple: go for it. It’s a fantastic, largely passive way to generate income once you set up the initial framework. Just remember, success doesn’t come overnight. It takes consistency, patience, and a lot of hard work.

1 year really made the biggest change for me in terms of revenue. At the end of 2022 I earned $50 from the channel and now I am at $7K-8K per month collectively along with AdSense earnings from YouTube and by promoting affiliate marketing products.

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