SEO Outsourcing Company - Resell SEO Services as Your Own

June 30, 2024


I’m excited to dive into something that can seriously boost your business – outsourcing SEO and reselling SEO services. If you’ve ever thought about expanding your offerings without putting in a ton of extra work, this is the way to go.

In this blog post, I’ll show you how to use an amazing SEO software to deliver top-notch services to your clients. Plus, I’ll guide you through the process of reselling these services as your own. By the end, you’ll have all the info you need to grow your business and keep your clients happy.

Why is this important? Well, SEO is crucial for any business that wants to be visible online. However, not everyone has the time, resources, or expertise to handle it themselves. That’s where you come in. By outsourcing SEO and reselling these services, you can offer a comprehensive digital marketing package without having to become an SEO expert overnight.

By the end of this post, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to integrate outsourced SEO services into your business model. You’ll see the benefits, know how to use the tools, and be ready to present these new services to your clients with confidence.

When to Outsource SEO? 

Source: Skovian

So, when is the best time to outsource SEO? It's a crucial decision, and getting it right can make a significant impact on your business. So, let's break it down.

When You’re Selling a Complementary Service

One of the best times to consider outsourcing SEO is when you're already offering a complimentary service, like website design. Think about it – you’re creating beautiful, functional websites for your clients, but are they optimized for search engines? Probably not. That’s where SEO comes in.

By adding SEO services to your offerings, you can provide a more complete package to your clients. It’s a natural upsell. While you're designing their website, you can also ensure it ranks well on Google. This not only adds value for your clients but also boosts your revenue. Outsourcing this part means you don't have to become an SEO expert overnight. Instead, you can rely on seasoned professionals to handle it for you.

When You Specialize in SEO

If your business focuses solely on SEO, you might think, "Why would I need to outsource?" The truth is, even SEO specialists can benefit from outsourcing, especially when workloads get heavy or when specialized tasks come up.

SEO is a vast field. There are technical aspects, content creation, link building, and more. It’s hard to be an expert in all areas. Outsourcing specific parts of your SEO work can help you manage your workload better and ensure top-notch results for your clients. For example, you might handle the strategy and client communication while outsourcing the technical audits or content creation to experts.

When You're Overwhelmed with Work

Let’s be real. Running a business can be overwhelming. There are times when the projects pile up, deadlines loom, and you feel like you’re drowning in tasks. This is another perfect time to consider outsourcing SEO.

By bringing in outside help, you can ensure that your clients continue to receive high-quality service without burning yourself out. This keeps your business running smoothly and your clients happy. It’s a win-win.

Choosing the Right Time and Partner

Now that you know when to consider outsourcing, the next step is choosing the right partner. Look for an SEO service provider with a proven track record, good reviews, and a deep understanding of your industry. Communication is key, so make sure they’re responsive and easy to work with.

By the end of this post, you’ll have a clear understanding of when and why to outsource SEO. You’ll be equipped with the knowledge to make informed decisions that can help grow your business and enhance the services you offer to your clients.

Ready to dive in deeper? Let’s continue exploring this topic and see how you can make outsourcing SEO work for you.

What to Look for in White Label Reselling Partner

If you're thinking about reselling SEO services, finding a reliable white label partner is key. This partner will handle the SEO work while you take the credit, so choosing the right one is crucial. Let’s talk about what to look for in a reliable white label SEO partner.

Proven Track Record

First things first, you want a partner with a proven track record. Look for companies that have been in the business for a while and have a history of successful projects. Check their case studies, client testimonials, and reviews. A reliable partner will have plenty of positive feedback from happy clients. This shows they know what they're doing and can deliver results.

Transparency and Communication

Good communication is essential. Your white label partner should be easy to reach and willing to keep you in the loop. You don't want to be left in the dark about the progress of your projects. They should provide regular updates and be open about their processes and strategies. Transparency builds trust and ensures you're both on the same page.

Customized Solutions

Every business is different, and a one-size-fits-all approach to SEO doesn't work. Look for a partner who offers customized solutions tailored to your clients' specific needs. They should take the time to understand your clients' goals and create strategies that will help them achieve those goals. This personalized approach will make your services stand out.

Comprehensive Services

SEO involves many different tasks, from keyword research to link building to content creation. A good white label partner should offer a full range of SEO services. This way, you can provide a complete package to your clients without needing to look elsewhere for additional services. It’s much easier to manage everything under one roof.

Quality Assurance

Quality is everything in SEO. Poor quality work can hurt your clients’ rankings and your reputation. Your white label partner should have strict quality assurance processes in place. This means they should check their work thoroughly and ensure it meets high standards before it reaches your clients. Look for partners who use best practices and stay updated with the latest SEO trends.


As your business grows, your SEO needs will too. You need a partner who can scale their services to match your growth. They should be able to handle increasing workloads without compromising on quality. This flexibility will help you take on more clients and bigger projects without worrying about whether your partner can keep up.

Reporting and Analytics

Lastly, your white label partner should provide detailed reporting and analytics. These reports will help you show your clients the value of the SEO services you're providing. Look for partners who offer clear, easy-to-understand reports that highlight key metrics and results. This transparency will help you build trust with your clients and demonstrate the effectiveness of your services.

Choosing the right white label SEO partner can make a huge difference in your business. By looking for these key qualities, you can find a partner who will help you deliver excellent services to your clients and grow your business successfully.

Best SEO Reselling & Outsourcing Companies 

If you're thinking about outsourcing SEO, you're probably wondering which companies are the best to work with. Let me share with you two of the top SEO outsourcing companies that can make a huge difference in your business. These companies offer powerful tools and solutions to help you deliver outstanding SEO services to your clients.

1. GoHighLevel

Source: GoHighLevel

GoHighLevel is a fantastic platform that offers a lot more than just SEO optimization. One of the best things about GoHighLevel is its App Marketplace. This marketplace allows you to resell a white-label SaaS solution for SEO optimization. What does that mean? You can offer SEO services to your clients under your own brand without having to do all the technical work yourself.

GoHighLevel also offers a range of other tools, such as AI chatbots, which can help improve customer interaction on your clients' websites. These chatbots can engage visitors, answer common questions, and even capture leads, all while you focus on other aspects of your business.

But what really makes GoHighLevel stand out is its ability to let you manage your entire client base through one platform. This makes it incredibly convenient to keep track of all your projects and clients in one place. You can handle everything from client communication to project management within GoHighLevel, saving you time and reducing the need for multiple software tools.

With GoHighLevel, you get access to features like:

  • SEO Tools: Optimize your clients' websites for search engines, improve rankings, and drive organic traffic.
  • CRM Integration: Manage all your client information and interactions in one place.
  • Marketing Automation: Automate email campaigns, follow-ups, and other marketing activities.
  • Lead Management: Track leads and convert them into clients efficiently.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Get detailed insights into your SEO efforts and demonstrate the value to your clients.
Source: GoHighLevel

By using GoHighLevel, you can provide comprehensive SEO services to your clients while also having access to a variety of other useful tools. It’s like having a one-stop shop for all your marketing needs.

2. Search Atlas (Otto SEO)

Source: Search Atlas 

If you're looking for a powerful AI-based SEO tool, Search Atlas is a great choice. This tool uses advanced AI technology to optimize websites quickly and efficiently. The main tool within Search Atlas is called OTTO AI, and it’s a game-changer.

OTTO AI is the world’s first automated SEO AI assistant. All you need to do is add the OTTO pixel to your website, and it will start optimizing thousands of webpages in just a few clicks. This means you can eliminate the manual labor of SEO and save hundreds of hours of work for your marketing or agency teams.

Here’s how OTTO AI works:

  • Automated Optimization: Once the OTTO pixel is installed on your website, the AI scans and analyzes the site to identify areas for improvement.
  • Real-Time Updates: OTTO AI continuously monitors the website and makes adjustments as needed to keep it optimized.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: It handles everything from keyword optimization to meta tags, image alt texts, and internal linking.
  • Speed and Efficiency: The optimization process is completed in just a few seconds, allowing you to deliver fast results to your clients.
Source: Search Atlas

One of the best parts about OTTO AI is how quickly it works. You can optimize an entire website in just a few seconds. This allows you to deliver high-quality SEO services to your clients almost instantly. And the potential earnings are impressive – clients can pay up to $2K per month for this type of service, while your delivery takes only seconds.

With Search Atlas and OTTO AI, you can offer cutting-edge SEO optimization that’s fast and effective, making it a valuable addition to your service offerings.

Both GoHighLevel and Search Atlas provide excellent options for outsourcing SEO. Whether you want a comprehensive platform with multiple tools or a fast and powerful AI-based solution, these companies have got you covered. By leveraging their services, you can offer top-notch SEO to your clients, save time, and boost your business’s revenue.

Ready to take your SEO services to the next level? Give GoHighLevel and Search Atlas a try and see how they can help you deliver outstanding results for your clients.

How Much to Charge For SEO Services?

One of the most common questions I get asked is about pricing SEO services. Deciding how much to charge can be tricky, especially when you want to ensure your rates are competitive while still making a profit. In this section, I’ll help you figure out a pricing strategy for your SEO services, specifically for entire website optimization.

Typical Pricing Range for SEO Services

Generally, the cost for comprehensive SEO services for an entire website falls between $1,000 and $2,000 per month. This range can vary based on several factors, such as the size of the website, the complexity of the work required, and the specific goals of the client.

Factors Influencing SEO Pricing

1. Website Size and Complexity

Larger websites with many pages require more work than smaller sites. This means more time spent on keyword research, on-page optimization, technical SEO, and content creation. A bigger site often means more opportunities to optimize, but also more challenges. If the website has complex features or an extensive e-commerce setup, these will also add to the workload.

2. Current SEO Status

The current state of the client’s SEO can significantly impact pricing. If the website is already well-optimized, you may only need to focus on maintenance and small improvements, which might cost less. However, if the site has numerous SEO issues, it will require a more intensive effort to get it up to par, justifying a higher fee.

3. Client Goals and Expectations

Understanding what the client wants to achieve with SEO is crucial. Are they looking for a quick boost in traffic, or are they aiming for long-term growth and higher rankings? More aggressive goals typically require more resources and a comprehensive strategy, which can increase the cost.

4. Competitive Landscape

The competitiveness of the client’s industry can also affect pricing. If they are in a highly competitive niche, it will take more effort to achieve and maintain high rankings. This might involve more extensive link building, content creation, and ongoing optimization, leading to higher costs.

Setting Your Price

Now, let's break down how you might set your pricing within the $1,000 to $2,000 range:

  • Basic Package ($1,000 per month):
    • Ideal for smaller websites or those with a limited budget.
    • Includes essential services such as keyword research, basic on-page optimization, and monthly performance reports.
    • Suitable for websites that need minor improvements or are in less competitive niches.
  • Standard Package ($1,500 per month):
    • A more comprehensive option that covers additional aspects like technical SEO audits, more extensive content optimization, and regular blog post creation.
    • Better suited for medium-sized websites or those in moderately competitive industries.
    • Includes detailed monthly reports and ongoing strategy adjustments.
  • Premium Package ($2,000 per month):
    • The most extensive package, perfect for larger websites or those in highly competitive industries.
    • Covers all aspects of SEO, including advanced technical SEO, extensive link building campaigns, and frequent content creation.
    • Offers detailed analytics, monthly strategy meetings, and personalized optimization plans.
    • Ideal for clients who want aggressive growth and a dedicated approach to SEO.

Justifying Your Pricing

When presenting your pricing to clients, it’s important to explain the value they’re getting. Break down the services included in each package and how these will help achieve their goals. Emphasize the expertise and effort that goes into delivering effective SEO, from research and planning to execution and reporting.

Example of SEO Pricing (Via Backlinko)

Charging between $1,000 and $2,000 for comprehensive website SEO services is a standard range, but your exact pricing should reflect the specifics of each project. Consider the size and complexity of the website, the client’s current SEO status, their goals, and the competitiveness of their industry. By offering tiered packages, you can cater to different needs and budgets while ensuring that you provide value and achieve results for your clients.

Pros and Cons of Reselling & White Labeling Services

Source: Dash Clicks

White labeling and reselling can be a game-changer, but like anything else, it has its pros and cons. Let's dive into what makes white labeling a powerful strategy and what potential challenges you might face.

Pros of White Labeling

1. Expanded Service Offerings

White labeling allows you to offer a wider range of services without needing to develop them yourself. For instance, if you’re a web design agency, you can add SEO services by partnering with a white-label SEO provider. This lets you meet more of your clients’ needs and stand out in a competitive market.

2. Cost-Effective

Developing new services in-house can be expensive and time-consuming. With white labeling, you save on costs related to research, development, and hiring specialized staff. Instead, you can start offering new services almost immediately by leveraging the expertise of your white-label partner.

3. Focus on Core Competencies

By outsourcing tasks to a white-label provider, you and your team can focus on what you do best. For example, if you excel in client relations and strategy, you can leave the technical SEO work to the experts. This ensures high-quality results while allowing you to concentrate on growing your business.

4. Scalability

White labeling makes it easier to scale your business. As you gain more clients, you can rely on your white-label partner to handle the increased workload. This flexibility helps you grow without the stress of managing everything in-house.

5. Brand Building

Since the services are offered under your brand, your clients see you as the provider of those services. This strengthens your brand and builds trust with your clients. They don’t need to know that a third-party provider is doing the actual work.

Cons of White Labeling

1. Quality Control

One of the biggest risks of white labeling is quality control. Since you’re not directly managing the work, you must trust your partner to maintain high standards. If the quality slips, it can affect your reputation. It’s crucial to choose a reliable partner and have clear quality assurance processes in place.

2. Dependency on the Provider

Relying heavily on a white-label provider means your business is somewhat dependent on them. If they face issues like technical difficulties, staff shortages, or changes in their service offerings, it can impact your ability to deliver services to your clients.

3. Lack of Customization

While white-label services are branded as your own, they may lack the level of customization that in-house services can offer. Some providers offer generic solutions that might not perfectly fit your clients’ unique needs. It’s important to find a partner who can tailor their services to align with your clients’ goals.

4. Communication Challenges

Effective communication is essential for a successful white-label partnership. Miscommunications or delays in responses can lead to misunderstandings and missed deadlines. Ensure that your partner has a robust communication system and is responsive to your queries and concerns.

5. Potential for Higher Costs

While white labeling can be cost-effective, it’s not always the cheapest option. Some providers charge premium rates for their services. You need to weigh the costs against the benefits and ensure that it makes financial sense for your business.

White labeling and reselling can be an excellent strategy for expanding your service offerings, saving costs, and focusing on your core competencies. However, it’s important to be aware of the potential downsides, such as quality control issues and dependency on your provider. By carefully selecting a reliable partner and setting clear expectations, you can leverage the benefits of white labeling while mitigating the risks.


Outsourcing SEO and reselling services can significantly boost your business by allowing you to offer a wider range of services without having to become an expert in every area. When you choose to outsource, timing is crucial. Whether you're adding SEO to complement existing services like website design or specializing solely in SEO, knowing when to bring in outside help can help you manage workloads and deliver high-quality results.

Finding the right white-label partner is key to your success. Look for a partner with a proven track record, transparent communication, and a commitment to quality. GoHighLevel and Search Atlas are excellent examples of top-tier white-label SEO providers. GoHighLevel offers a comprehensive platform with multiple tools, while Search Atlas, with its OTTO AI, provides fast and efficient AI-driven SEO optimization.

Understanding the pros and cons of white labeling helps you make informed decisions. White labeling can expand your service offerings, save costs, and allow you to focus on your core competencies. However, it also comes with challenges such as quality control and dependency on your provider. By carefully selecting your partners and setting clear expectations, you can leverage the benefits while mitigating the risks.

When it comes to pricing your SEO services, consider factors such as website size, current SEO status, client goals, and industry competitiveness. Offering tiered packages ranging from $1,000 to $2,000 per month allows you to cater to different needs and budgets while ensuring you provide valuable services.

By taking these steps, you can confidently grow your business, deliver outstanding SEO results to your clients, and position yourself as a trusted provider in the digital marketing space. Ready to elevate your SEO game? Start by evaluating your needs, researching potential partners, and setting up your pricing strategy.