Search Atlas Otto AI Review - Best AI SEO Tool In 2024

July 8, 2024


As someone who manages a blog and constantly looks for ways to improve my site's ranking on search engines, finding effective SEO tools is hard. There are many AI tools out there that promise a lot but when it comes to delivery they fail miserably. One of the tools that I recently tried was an SEO tool that lets you optimize your entire website in just a few clicks. It’s an AI SEO tool that is called Otto AI from another company that is called Search Atlas. 

When I first heard about Otto AI, I was curious but a bit skeptical. However, after using it for a few weeks, I’m blown away by how much it has helped in optimizing my website and specific keywords. In this blog post I will showcase Otto AI and provide my honest review after using this AI SEO tool for some time. Let’s cover Otto AI features, pricing, how you can use it for your own website and much more.

What is Otto AI?

Otto AI Dashboard

Otto AI is an AI based SEO tool developed by Search Atlas, designed to help users optimize their websites for better search engine rankings. Using artificial intelligence, Otto AI analyzes your website and provides actionable insights to improve your SEO strategy. It offers features like keyword suggestions, content optimization tips, and competitor analysis, making it easier for users to enhance their online presence. It does all of these things automatically in the back end once you set everything up.

From my experience, Otto AI simplifies the complexities of SEO. When I first started using it for my blog, I was amazed at how quickly it provided valuable insights. The tool identified the best keywords to target, suggested improvements for my content, and even analyzed my competitors' strategies. This approach allowed me to save a lot of time going back and forth through my keywords and optimizing each keyword on my website. 

One standout feature of Otto AI is its ability to learn and adapt over time. It doesn't just give you a one-time analysis; it continuously updates its recommendations automatically in the back end of your website based on the latest SEO trends and changes in search algorithms. This means that you always have up-to-date strategies to stay ahead of the competition.

Otto AI Features

Otto AI Features

Otto AI offers some fantastic features that have really helped me improve my blog's search engine ranking. Here’s a breakdown of the main features and how they’ve benefited me:

Keyword Suggestions: Otto AI suggests the best keywords to use in my blog posts. This helps me attract more visitors because I’m using terms people are actually searching for.

Content Optimization: The tool gives me tips on how to make my content better for search engines. It tells me where to place keywords, how to structure my posts, and what tags to use. This makes sure my blog posts are easy for search engines to find and rank higher.

Competitor Analysis: I can see what my competitors are doing well and learn from them. Otto AI shows me their keywords and strategies, so I can improve my own.

Performance Tracking: Otto AI tracks how well my blog is doing. It shows me which posts are getting the most traffic and how my site ranks in search results. This data helps me understand what’s working and what needs improvement.

Real-Time Recommendations: The tool gives me real-time advice based on the latest SEO trends and updates. This way, I’m always using the best strategies to stay ahead.

User-Friendly Interface: Otto AI is super easy to use. The interface is intuitive, so even if you’re not a tech expert, you can navigate it easily and make the most of its features.

While Otto AI has other features as well I wanted to write about the most important features that I have personally used while optimizing my website with Otto AI. There are a lot more features that Otto AI offers that are really useful especially when used correctly for your SEO presence on your website.

Otto AI White Label Feature

Otto AI White Label Feature

One of the most powerful features of Otto AI is its white label capability. This feature has been a game-changer for my agency, allowing us to customize and rebrand the SEO tool as our own. Here’s how it works and why it’s been so beneficial for us:

Custom Branding: With Otto AI’s white label feature, I can add my agency’s logo, colors, and even use our domain name. This makes the tool look like it's an in-house solution, enhancing our brand's professionalism and credibility. When clients log in, they see a seamless, branded experience that reflects our company, not an external tool.

Client Trust and Loyalty: Having a tool that looks like it’s built by us helps build trust with our clients. They see us as more innovative and capable, which strengthens our relationships and client loyalty. The custom dashboard and reports mean clients associate these high-quality insights directly with our agency.

Streamlined Workflow: The white label feature also integrates seamlessly with other Search Atlas tools, like local SEO services and content optimization. This means we can manage multiple SEO projects, conduct competitor research, and generate detailed reports all in one place, under our brand.

Revenue Boost: Offering a branded, advanced SEO tool allows us to provide premium services, which can be resold at a profit. This not only enhances our service offerings but also contributes to our agency’s revenue growth.

The best part about this tool is that I never have to manage an entire team of SEO experts. I can just go to Otto AI and create a project for each client and manage entire SEO tools and audits inside that client account. I honestly didn’t know that this tool would be enough for my SEO needs but overall it seems like a really great tool because it doesn’t just give you vague optimizations for your website, it actually provides real value to you in terms of SEO optimization.

Otto AI Pricing

Otto AI Pricing Plans

Otto AI plans seem quite inexpensive compared to what this tool is offering. While it might be expensive for someone that is just starting out, it is a really good fit for someone that is running a business or an agency. Here’s a breakdown of all Otto AI plans:

Basic Plan

  • $99 per month
  • Ideal for freelancers and small teams.
  • Supports 1 site and includes 500 points for AI generation tasks.

Standard Plan 

  • $249 per month
  • Suitable for small businesses.
  • Supports 3 sites and includes 1,500 points and 20 credits.

Business Plan 

  • $599 per month
  • Designed for growing agencies.
  • Supports 10 sites, 5,000 points, and 100 credits.

Advanced Plan 

  • $1,249 per month
  • For larger agencies.
  • Supports 25 sites, 12,500 points, and 200 credits.

Enterprise Plan

  • $1,999 per month
  • Custom functionality and quotas.
  • Supports 50 sites, 25,000 points, and 500 credits.
Otto AI Packages and Pricing

Right now, Otto AI is running a special pricing for brands and agencies so this might be interesting to business owners that are looking for a quick and easy tool for their SEO services. I’m not sure how long this deal will be available for but it surely is a great deal if you’re looking to white label Otto AI and resell it as your own software under your own business.

Additionally keep in mind that OTTO SEO can be added as a separate plan to any Search Atlas plan for $99 per site per month. Keep in mind that this can only be purchased if you already have an existing plan with Search Atlas which offers a wide variety of different tools and one of these tools is Otto AI.

How to Use Otto AI for SEO?

Using Otto AI is relatively simple. There is a learning curve just like with any software out there so it might take some time until you understand every single aspect of this AI tool however I will show you exactly how to use and set up an account with Otto AI for business use. Keep in mind that white labelling this software is also possible as we talked earlier in this blog post so I will also show you that part in another blog post that is dedicated only for white labeling. Let’s jump right in and let me show you how to do just that.

Step 1: Sign Up For Otto AI Free Trial Account

The first step that you need to take is to sign up for a free 14-day free trial account. We have a special deal with Otto AI since we are using this tool actively so feel free to sign up with our special affiliate link here.

Otto AI Sign Up Page

Step 2: Dashboard and Overview

Now that you are in, feel free to take a look around and check all the features that you see in the navigation tab. You don’t have to specifically start with one of these features, you can try other features as well, however I would recommend you to start with adding your own website in the white box that says “enter a domain, page url or keyword”.

Otto AI Dashboard

Step 3: Website Analytics

Once we do that we can scroll down and we will be able to see our website analytics. We inserted as a website that we want to fetch SEO data for. Here we can see all the analytics as well as additional information about our website.

Otto AI Website Analytics

Step 4: Site Explorer

If we scroll up we will see “site explorer” this is where you can see even more data for the requested query or website. As you can see on the left side menu we can also check a lot more information about the website such as: keywords, pages, subdomains, google ads, facebook ads, position changes, backlinks and competitors.

Otto AI Site Explorer

Installing Otto AI on Your Site

I showed you how to use Otto AI for your business and how to track your website analytics but how can you install Otto AI to SEO optimize your site every single week and month. Yes, that can be done with a couple of lines of code with Otto AI which is by far the most useful tool within the Otto AI ecosystem of tools. I was honestly surprised with the amount of detail this SEO tool has and not only that but with what precision it optimises the entire website. With this code you are basically adding an SEO detective inside your website (quite literally).

Step 1: Adding Your Website

Otto AI Home

First step is to click on the purple button “+ add a website”. This will lead you to the next step which is going to be a code inside a box that you can copy and paste on your website.

Step 2: Adding Otto AI Widget to Your Website

Otto AI Widget

Now that you are here simply copy the code and paste it in the head section of your website. Once you install OTTO SEO, the AI will optimize your website elements to meet Google’s core ranking factors. Their AI tool will make content optimizations that improve your website’s semantic SEO through meta tag optimization, NLP entity inclusion, content creation, and more.

Otto AI Widget Features

Other Useful Otto AI Features

There are many other features that we cannot cover in this blog post so I will break them down in short below and introduce them so you can see how powerful this software really is for SEO purposes. Honestly I was really surprised with the amount of useful features this tool provided me with. 

AI Content Writer

Otto AI Content Writer

I have tried using the seo content assistant and writer from Otto AI and it has been really great at giving me in depth articles on a specific topic. It doesn’t give you general words and it’s more specific than other AI SEO content assistants out there. In terms of writing itself it’s a great additional tool for writing blog posts and providing value for your audience on your website. There are other tools that can assist you in writing your blog posts as well such as ai content templates and content rewriting to make sure you humanize your articles as much as you can to rank on google.

Keyword Research Tool

Otto AI Keyword Research Tool

Yet another great tool that Otto AI offers is a keyword research tool that provides you with low competition and high traffic keywords. This is based on a lot of data points from other websites. I found this tool to be very similar to Keyword Magic Tool from SEMRush but this tool from Otto AI did offer me more insights on what type of keywords to target and which keywords are better for my website.

Site Audit Tool

Otto AI Site Auditor

Another tool I tried in the arsenal of Otto AI tools was Site Auditor tool that allowed me to generate site audits based on my website that I provided Otto AI with. Otto AI then provided me with all the data needed to show me what I need to change on the website itself and which areas need to be improved. It’s honestly a great tool if you want to showcase to your clients which areas on their website need to be improved. This way you can sell more SEO services to them through Otto AI.

GSC Insights & Analytics Tool

Otto AI GSC Insights Tool

By far one of the most useful tools was the GSC tool. With this tool you can connect the google search console and see in real time which keywords perform the best so that you can target them. This allows you to see every single keyword on your website from the birds eye view which allows you to get a better understanding of where to put the most effort when creating content on your website. Consider this as GSC on steroids, it’s literally that good.

Local SEO Optimization

Otto AI Local SEO

If you’re an agency that is helping out local businesses with SEO, this tool is for you. It’s a tool that helps you rank higher on google within your local area. When someone searches for a dentist in Denver, there are a lot of dentists that show up. This tool provides you with the data on what to improve in order to rank higher within your local area. It’s more than just a local seo tool because it also helps you with google maps rankings and competitor insights.

Otto AI Compared to Other SEO Tools

While Otto AI is a new AI tool on the market I can definitely say with confidence that it can compete with other giants such as SEMRush and Ahrefs. Although some features are still in the developing phase, most features that Otto AI offers do offer a competitive advantage especially that part where Otto AI optimizes your website in the back end while you are focusing on other things, that feature alone is worth thousands of dollars. In terms of user interface and using Otto AI vs other tools I can confidently say that Otto AI has a pretty good user interface and experience while using it, I was satisfied with it. 

Otto AI Compared With SEMRush

When I first started exploring SEO tools, SEMrush was one of the names that popped up frequently. However, after diving into Otto AI from Search Atlas, I found some unique advantages that made it stand out.

User-Friendly Interface: Otto AI is very easy to use. While SEMrush can be a bit overwhelming with its plethora of features, Otto AI is straightforward and intuitive, making it perfect for beginners and experts alike.

White Label Capabilities: One of the biggest advantages of Otto AI is its white label feature. This allows me to rebrand the tool with my own agency's logo and colors, creating a professional and seamless experience for my clients. SEMrush doesn’t offer this level of customization, which gives Otto AI a significant edge in terms of branding and client trust.

Real-Time Assistance: Otto AI provides real-time SEO recommendations, helping me make adjustments on the fly during client calls. This feature has been incredibly useful, as it allows me to address issues immediately. SEMrush offers excellent tools but doesn't match the immediacy and ease of Otto AI's real-time guidance.

Comprehensive Tools and Data: Otto AI includes robust tools for keyword research, content optimization, and competitor analysis. The platform also provides detailed backlink data, keyword metrics, and site audits. SEMrush has similar tools, but Otto AI’s integration and usability make these features more accessible and actionable.

Pricing and Value: Otto AI offers flexible pricing plans that cater to different needs and budgets, making it a cost-effective choice for agencies of all sizes. While SEMrush is powerful, it can be more expensive, especially as you scale up and add more features.

In conclusion, while SEMrush is a powerful and well-known tool, Otto AI’s user-friendly interface, white label capabilities, real-time assistance, and comprehensive toolset make it a superior choice for my agency. It has allowed me to provide better service to my clients and streamline my SEO processes effectively.

Final Thoughts

After using Search Atlas Otto AI, I can confidently say it's one if not the best AI SEO tool for 2024. It’s user-friendly, offers fantastic customization with its white label feature, and provides real-time assistance that’s incredibly helpful during client calls. The seamless integration of comprehensive tools for keyword research, content optimization, and competitor analysis has made a significant difference in my SEO strategy. Plus, the flexible pricing makes it accessible for various budgets. If you’re serious about improving your SEO game, I highly recommend giving Otto AI a try.