How to Optimize SEO Metadata for Every Page with GoHighLevel (Tutorial)

May 16, 2024

How to Optimize SEO Metadata for Every Page with GoHighLevel (Tutorial)

In today's digital marketing landscape, a strong online presence is crucial for any business. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plays a vital role in achieving that online visibility for your business, and optimized SEO metadata acts as the first impression your website makes on search engines. Are you completely new to GoHighLevel? Sign up for a 30-day extended free trial to get started exploring its transformative features right away.

This tutorial introduces you to the world of GoHighLevel's SEO metadata tools, guiding you each step of the way on how to optimize every page on your website for better search ranking and organic traffic.

Understanding SEO Metadata

Think of SEO metadata as the hidden messages your website sends to search engines. These messages, primarily consisting of the Title Tag and Meta Description, influence how search engines understand and rank your website's content.

  • Title Tag: This concise yet impactful title, ideally between 50-60 characters, appears at the top of search results and browser tabs. It should accurately reflect the page's content and incorporate relevant keywords.
  • Meta Description: This brief description, around 155-160 characters, appears below the title tag in search results. It serves as a compelling invitation for users to click on your page, summarizing the content within.

Optimizing Your GoHighLevel Site

GoHighLevel provides a user-friendly platform to manage SEO metadata for each of your website's pages. Here's a step-by-step guide to optimize your SEO metadata:

  1. Navigate to Your Websites: Login to your GoHighLevel account and switch from Agency View to your subaccount. 
Go High Level Agency View - Sub Account Menu

In the subaccount page head to the Sites section and click Websites

Go High Level - Websites Builder

Access Page Meta Data Settings:
Within the GoHighLevel builder, select any of the websites you’ve created and click the ellipsis on it to edit the site. 

Go High Level - Website Templates

In the "Website Edits" page, select any of the pages for which you want to optimize its SEO metadata and click the Edit button. 

Go High Level Agency Templates

Once the website page opens, hover across the icons on the top left corner of the page and locate the SEO Meta Data icon. This section provides separate fields for editing the content, keywords, title tag and meta description for the specific page.

  1. Crafting Compelling Titles Using ChatGPT: Next, you’ll be leveraging the power of AI to simplify the optimization process for your site. Open ChatGPT in a separate tab on your browser, then type in and enter a little description about your type of business and how you can optimize the SEO metadata for your GoHighLevel website. 

Chat GPT Prompt For Go High Level

This prompt will generate a complete breakdown on SEO metadata optimization from title tag, and meta descriptions to heading tags and URL structure. 

2nd Chat GPT Prompt For Go High Level

You may want to prompt the AI to breakdown each element individually. For example you may enter in separate prompts for how to write the meta description, how to write image alt texts, what is an appropriate title tag for the page, what are relevant keywords, and so on. Then you can simply copy the relevant generated text and head back to your GoHighLevel website SEO metadata edits tab to paste it in the corresponding sections.

Go High Level Site Builder

You may also carry out some personal research into what your brand represents to your potential customers and employ the following strategies:

  • Target Relevant Keywords: Carefully consider the keywords users might search for when seeking information related to your page's content. Utilize keyword research tools to identify relevant terms with good search volume.
  • Embrace Concision: Strive for a title tag between 50-60 characters to prevent search engines from truncating it in search results.
  • Brand Recognition: If your brand is well-established, strategically incorporate your brand name into the title tag for better recognition.
  • Focus on User Intent: Imagine the questions users might have about your page's content. Craft your meta description to answer those questions and summarize the value your page offers.
  • Embrace Clarity: Keep your meta description concise, well-written, and easy to understand. Avoid keyword stuffing and focus on natural language.
  • Include a Call to Action (CTA): Entice users to click through to your page with a clear and specific CTA. This could be something like "Learn More" or "Download Now."

Optimizing for Success: Additional Tips

  • Don't Neglect Any Page: Every page on your GoHighLevel site deserves optimized SEO metadata. You can repeat the above step for every page on your website to ensure the entire site is optimized to rank high. Treat each page as an opportunity to attract organic traffic.
  • Leverage GoHighLevel's Suggestions: GoHighLevel offers suggestions for SEO metadata based on your page content. While these are a great starting point, personalize them further for optimal results. Unlock the full capabilities of your GoHighLevel account by upgrading to a Pro-SAAS (Unlimited) plan.
  • Maintain Consistency: Strive for consistency in your keyword usage and overall tone across all your website's SEO metadata. This creates a cohesive user experience and helps search engines understand your website's focus.
  • Track and Analyze: Utilize website analytics tools to monitor the performance of your SEO efforts. This data is invaluable in identifying which keywords are driving traffic and where there's room for improvement in your SEO strategy.


By following these steps and best practices, and exploring advanced techniques, you can effectively optimize the SEO metadata for every page on your GoHighLevel sites. Remember, SEO is a marathon, not a sprint. With dedication and a data-driven approach, you can gradually climb the search engine rankings ladder and attract more qualified traffic to your website. Want to increase your website’s visibility and business performance longterm? Take advantage of this annual special deal to enjoy GoHighLevel for an entire year at a discounted price.

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