I Recorded 3000+ Videos In 1 Year On YouTube — Here’s How Much I Made

May 12, 2024

What happened after I recorded 3000 You Tube videos?

A year ago, I embarked on what seemed like an insane challenge: to create 3000 videos in just one year, focusing on SEO-driven content for YouTube. My goal was simple yet ambitious — capitalize on low-competition keywords that could rank high and pull in significant views. This wasn’t just a test of digital marketing prowess; it was a personal challenge to see if I could transform my financial landscape from the comfort of my home.

The Strategy: Finding the Right Keywords

The cornerstone of my strategy involved detailed keyword research. I spent days on tools like SEMRush, looking for those golden nuggets — keywords that had decent search volume but low competition. I particularly looked for keywords where smaller channels, with around a thousand subscribers, had videos pulling thousands of views shortly after posting.
If they could do it, so could I. This approach wasn’t just about finding an audience; it was about creating a library of SEO driven videos that grow over time in views.

The Execution: A Day in the Life

Each day, I set a target to produce five tutorial videos, each lasting about 2–3 minutes. Why short videos? They were quick to produce, easy for viewers to consume, and perfect for the fast-paced nature of YouTube SEO algorithm. I didn’t script the videos because most of them were focused on solving a specific problem, I modeled what others did in a better way and packaged it into a smaller video that is easier to consume, that way I had more average watch duration and more people watched my videos.

Overcoming Challenges: Consistency and Quality

The biggest challenge was maintaining quality and consistency. Producing five videos a day is no small feat, especially when you are the writer, editor, and producer. There were days when I felt overwhelmed, days when everything that could go wrong did. But I learned quickly that resilience and adaptability were key. I refined my process, learned from my mistakes, and kept pushing forward. After 3 months I started to see some results and I decided I want to stick with it.

Monetization: Seeing the Fruits of My Labor

As the months rolled by, my channel started gaining traction. Views turned into subscribers, and subscribers turned into a community. By strategically embedding relevant affiliate links and optimizing my content, I started seeing real financial returns. I remember the thrill of seeing my first significant AdSense deposit and realizing that this could actually work.

By the end of the year, I was consistently making $2000 per month from AdSense alone. Affiliate marketing added over $1000 to that monthly total. It was exciting to realize that my hard work was literally paying off, not just in views but in tangible income.

Screenshot Of My YouTube Dashboard

Reflections: Lessons Learned and Looking Ahead

Looking back, the journey of recording 3000 videos in a year taught me invaluable lessons about digital marketing, content creation, and personal resilience. I learned that with the right strategy and a lot of hard work, YouTube is a viable platform for anyone looking to change their life.

As I move forward, I plan to leverage the audience I’ve built and the skills I’ve developed to scale my efforts. I’ll experiment with longer-form content, dive deeper into affiliate marketing, and explore new niches.

Final Thoughts

For anyone sitting on the fence, wondering if it’s possible to make a living off YouTube, let my story be a testament to what’s possible. It’s not just about making videos — it’s about creating a strategy, executing it with precision, and adapting along the way. The digital world offers limitless opportunities, and sometimes, the biggest rewards come to those who are willing to put in the work and carve out their niche.

Remember, every big journey begins with a simple step. Why not take yours today?