How to Recover a Deleted Funnel or Website in GoHighLevel

June 26, 2024


I know how frustrating it can be to accidentally delete a funnel in GoHighLevel. We’ve all been there – one wrong click and all your hard work seems to vanish into thin air. As a marketer, you understand the importance of your funnels. They’re like the lifeblood of your campaigns, guiding potential customers from interest to conversion. The good news is, all hope is not lost. In this post, I’m going to walk you through the steps on how to recover a deleted funnel in GoHighLevel. It's not that easy since GoHighLevel doesn’t provide you with the exact “recycle bin” feature so you need to use some of the alternatives that I will write about in this post, let’s get started.

Restoring Funnels and Websites in GoHighLevel: The Reality

As marketers, we rely heavily on tools like GoHighLevel to create and manage our funnels and websites. However, one crucial thing to remember is that GoHighLevel doesn’t have a feature to restore deleted funnels or websites. Once you click "delete," that content is gone for good.

GoHighLevel is a detailed and powerful platform, offering a range of features that make our marketing efforts more efficient and effective. From automated workflows to comprehensive analytics, it's designed to support complex marketing strategies. But the absence of a restore feature for deleted items is something to be aware of.


This means that when managing your funnels and websites in GoHighLevel, it’s important to exercise caution. Here are a few tips to help you avoid any accidental deletions:

  1. Double-Check Before Deleting: Always take a moment to ensure you're deleting the correct item. A quick review can prevent any accidental loss of important work.
  2. Clone Your Funnels and Websites: Regularly cloning your funnels and websites is a good practice. This creates a backup that you can fall back on if you ever delete the original by mistake.
  3. Organize Your Work: Keeping your projects well-organized can reduce the risk of deleting the wrong item. Use clear naming conventions and maintain a tidy workspace.

While it may seem like a limitation, being mindful of this aspect of GoHighLevel can help you manage your projects more effectively. The platform's robust features far outweigh this drawback, but it's always good to be prepared.

The Only Alternative

Sometimes, even with the best instructions, things don’t go as planned. If you’re having trouble recovering your deleted funnel in GoHighLevel, don’t worry – there are other ways to get help. Let me walk you through two great alternatives that can save the day.

1. Calling Support

If you’re stuck and can’t seem to recover your deleted funnel, one of the quickest ways to get help is by calling GoHighLevel’s support team. They’re super friendly and ready to assist you with any issues. Just pick up your phone and dial +1 (888) 732-4197. Here’s how you can make the most of this call:

  • Prepare Your Details: Before calling, make sure you have all the necessary information ready. This includes your account details, the name of the deleted funnel, and any specific problems you’ve encountered.
  • Explain Clearly: When you’re connected with a support agent, explain your issue clearly and calmly. Let them know you’re trying to recover a deleted funnel and mention any steps you’ve already taken.
  • Follow Instructions: The support agent might guide you through some steps over the phone. Follow their instructions carefully, and don’t hesitate to ask questions if you’re unsure about something.

2. Contacting Support via Live Chat

Another excellent way to get help is by using the live chat feature within GoHighLevel. This is convenient because you can get support directly from your account without having to make a call. Here’s how to do it:

  • Open Live Chat: Log in to your GoHighLevel account and look for the live chat option, usually found at the bottom right corner of your screen.
  • Start a Chat: Click on the chat icon and start a conversation with a support agent. Explain that you need help recovering a deleted funnel.
  • Request a Zoom Call: Sometimes, complex issues are easier to resolve with a face-to-face conversation. Don’t hesitate to ask the support agent if they can set up a Zoom call with you. This way, they can walk you through the process step-by-step in real time.
GoHighLevel Support

Why These Alternatives Matter

Using these alternatives ensures that you’re not alone in solving your problem. Sometimes, personal assistance from the support team can make a big difference, especially if you’re dealing with something tricky. The GoHighLevel support team is there to help, so don’t be shy about reaching out.


In conclusion, while GoHighLevel is a powerful tool for marketers, it’s essential to understand its limitations—especially the inability to restore deleted funnels and websites. This might seem like a small detail, but it can have a big impact on your workflow if you're not careful. By taking a few simple precautions, such as double-checking before deleting, regularly cloning your projects, and keeping your workspace organized, you can avoid potential setbacks and make the most out of this robust platform.

GoHighLevel’s features, from automated workflows to detailed analytics, continue to make it a top choice for myself and my agency. The key is to navigate its capabilities with a bit of extra caution when it comes to managing your content. Remember, a little mindfulness goes a long way in safeguarding your hard work.