How to Add Trust Badges in Shopify - Money Back Guarantee (2024)

May 17, 2024

How to Add Trust Badges in Shopify - Money Back Guarantee (2024)

In today's competitive e-commerce landscape, building trust with potential customers is crucial for success. One effective way to achieve this is by incorporating trust badges that highlight your policies and guarantees. Among these, displaying a money-back guarantee badge can be a powerful tool to alleviate customer concerns, increase conversion rates, and boost sales on your Shopify store. Enjoy three months of Shopify FREE when you sign up through this link.

This article explores two popular options for adding money-back guarantee badges to your Shopify store in 2024: Iconito and ROAR - Trust Badges Builder. We'll explore their features and customization options to guide you to add trust badges to your site in the simplest way.

The Power of Money-Back Guarantees

A money-back guarantee demonstrates your commitment to customer satisfaction. It signals to potential buyers that they can purchase your products with confidence, knowing they can return them if they are not fully satisfied. This can be particularly effective for products with a higher perceived risk factor or those unfamiliar to customers.

Using Iconito

Iconito provides a user-friendly platform with a library of free and paid trust badges, including those specifically designed for money-back guarantees. Here's how to utilize Iconito:

1. Installation and Badge Selection:

Trust Badges Shopify - Setup

  • Open the Iconito app from your Shopify admin panel. Browse their extensive collection of trust badges and select one that best reflects your money-back guarantee policy. You can utilize filters to sort by badge type ("Guarantee") for a faster search.

2. Customization and Placement:

  • Many Iconito badges offer customization options like color, text, and size. Adjust them to match your store's branding for a cohesive visual appeal. You can import icons by heading to Google and searching for “Shopify trust badges.” Then go to images and right-click to save an image you like before going back to import it into Iconito.
Trust Badges - Icons

  • Iconito allows strategic placement of badges. You can choose to display them on product pages near the "Add to Cart" button, checkout pages, or in your store's footer, depending on where it will have the most impact.

3. Linking the Badge (Optional):

  • While not mandatory for all badges, consider linking your money-back guarantee badge to a dedicated landing page that outlines your policy in detail. This provides transparency and fosters trust by allowing customers to understand your terms thoroughly.

Utilizing ROAR - Trust Badges Builder

ROAR offers a more feature-rich environment for creating custom trust badges. It allows for greater design flexibility and animation options. Here's a breakdown of using ROAR:

1. Install and Create the Badge:

  • Visit the Shopify App Store and search for "ROAR - Trust Badges Builder." Install the app.
ROAR - Trust Badges Builder For Shopify

  • Open the ROAR app from your Shopify admin panel.
  • Choose "Create New Badge" and select "Guarantee" from the available badge types.
  • Unleash your creativity by customizing the badge with an icon, text, color, and animation.
  • You can incorporate your brand logo and tailor the text to communicate your money-back guarantee terms clearly.
Adjusting Badges With ROAR

2. Badge Placement and Preview:

  • ROAR offers placement options similar to Iconito. Choose the optimal location for your badge within your store's layout.
  • Utilize ROAR's preview feature to view how your created badge looks on your store's frontend. This ensures its visual appeal and effectiveness in your chosen location.

3. Publishing the Badge:

  • Once satisfied with your badge's design and placement, publish it to make it live on your Shopify store and visible to your customers.
Money Back Guarnatee Badge - Shopify Checkout

Additional Considerations for Success

  • Clarity and Transparency: Ensure your badge clearly communicates the key aspects of your money-back guarantee (e.g., duration, return conditions).
  • Cohesive Design: Choose a badge that aligns with your store's overall design aesthetic for a seamless user experience.
  • Strategic Placement: Place the badge strategically where it's easily noticeable during the customer buying journey (e.g., product pages near the "Add to Cart" button). Consider A/B testing different placements to see what yields the best results.
  • Link to Supporting Page (Optional): If your money-back guarantee policy has nuances, consider linking the badge to a dedicated page that outlines the details for added clarity.


By incorporating money-back guarantee badges using either Iconito or ROAR, you can effectively address customer concerns and build trust in your Shopify store. Remember, fostering confidence can translate to increased sales and a loyal customer base.

Choose the platform that best fits your needs and budget, prioritize clear communication of your guarantee policy, and consider A/B testing to optimize badge placement for maximum impact. Go forth and build trust within your store, leading to a prosperous e-commerce journey!