How to Create a High Converting SAAS Landing Page

July 11, 2024


Creating a high-converting SAAS landing page was a big challenge for me when I first started. I quickly realized that having a great product isn’t enough; you need an effective landing page to attract and convert visitors into customers. After lots of trial and error, I’ve learned some key strategies that can really make a difference. In this blog post, I’ll share my experiences and tips on how to design a landing page that not only looks good but also drives conversions. Let’s dive in and make your landing page a success!

Key Elements for a Successful SAAS Landing Page

While there are different SAAS types out there, landing pages always have the same structure. You need to think about how your customers perceive your product and what their journey looks like while they scroll on your landing page. They are looking for more information both visual and textual such as features, demo videos, graphics about the SAAS product and more. Some of the key elements of a successful SAAS page are:

Hero Section: This is the first thing visitors see. Make sure it’s clear, concise, and straight to the point. When I started, I realized that if the hero section doesn’t grab attention and provide necessary info immediately, visitors won’t scroll further.

Salesfinity AI Hero Section

Features/Benefits: Highlighting the features and benefits is crucial. I found that using a comparison table for different subscription tiers works best. Even if you don’t include pricing, make sure the benefits are crystal clear.

Salesfinity AI Features and Benefits

Social Proof: Incorporate customer testimonials, notable clients, star ratings, or case studies. This was a game-changer for me. Social proof builds trust and encourages sign-ups for free trials.

Salesfinity AI Social Proof

Contact Form: Including a contact form helps capture leads who have questions. I noticed that having it lower on the page catches those who are still undecided after seeing the main content. You can also use a chatbot or live chat option on the page to entice people to talk to your team if they have any questions.

Salesfinity AI Contact Form

Demo Video: A product demo video can address common pain points and showcase core features. Especially for complex products, this visual aid helps potential customers understand the value. You can also use an image of UI but videos tend to work more efficiently.

Salesfinity AI Demo Image

Call-to-Action (CTA): Having a strong, clear CTA is essential. Avoid multiple CTAs to reduce distractions. I also used FOMO elements like countdown timers to increase conversion rates.

Salesfinity AI CTA Buttons

As you can see a high-converting SAAS funnel has a few important elements. All of these elements play a big role in converting a person from a viewer to a lead and in the end to a customer. One repetitive thing you can see quite often on the SAAS landing pages is “building trust”. This happens through breaking down what the customer will get, the features, and increasing trust even more with testimonials and social proof, that is the key in building a successful and high-converting SAAS landing page.

What Impacts Conversion Rates on a Landing Page?

When I first started working on my SAAS landing page, I quickly realized that several factors can significantly impact conversion rates. Here are some key elements based on my experience:

Clear Value Proposition: The first thing visitors should see is a clear value proposition. When I made sure my headline and subheadings clearly stated what my product does and how it benefits the user, I noticed a big boost in interest.

Compelling Visuals: Using high-quality images and videos can make a huge difference. I added a demo video to my landing page, and it really helped visitors understand my product quickly and effectively.

Strong Call-to-Action (CTA): A well-placed and compelling CTA is crucial. I experimented with different wording and placements for my CTA button until I found what worked best. A clear and direct CTA can significantly increase your conversions.

Social Proof: Including customer testimonials, reviews, and case studies can build trust. When I added these elements to my page, potential customers felt more confident in signing up for my service.

Page Load Speed: Slow loading times can drive visitors away. I optimized my landing page to ensure it loads quickly, which helped keep visitors on the page longer and increased my chances of conversion.

Mobile Optimization: More people are browsing on their phones, so having a mobile-friendly design is essential. Ensuring my landing page looked great and worked well on mobile devices made a noticeable difference in my conversion rates.

These are just a few factors that can impact conversion rates on a landing page. By paying attention to these elements, I was able to create a more effective and engaging page that converts visitors into customers.

Good vs Bad Conversion Rate

Databox Landing Page Conversion Rate (via Mailchimp)

Over time, I learned that a good conversion rate can vary, but generally, you want to aim for something above 5%. This means that out of every 100 visitors, at least 5 should be taking the desired action, whether that's signing up for a newsletter or purchasing a product.

I’ve experienced both good and bad conversion rates. A bad conversion rate, below 2%, often meant my page wasn’t clear enough or engaging. For example, one of my early landing pages had a cluttered design and confusing messaging. After simplifying the layout and clarifying my value proposition, I saw a significant improvement.

On the flip side, when I hit a conversion rate above 10%, it was often due to strong CTAs, compelling visuals, and clear benefits. This taught me the importance of continuous testing and optimization.

Remember, it’s all about experimenting and finding what works best for your audience. Don’t be discouraged by a low conversion rate at first—use it as a learning opportunity to make your landing page even better.

Longer vs. Shorter Landing Pages

Cience Landing Page Statistics (via Mailchimp)

When I started creating landing pages, I struggled with deciding whether to go for a longer or shorter format. Here’s what I learned from my experience.

Shorter Landing Pages: These are concise and to the point. They work great for simple products or services where the benefits are immediately clear. When I used shorter landing pages, I focused on strong headlines, a few key benefits, and a clear call-to-action. This approach worked well for straightforward offers and kept visitors engaged.

Longer Landing Pages: These are ideal for more complex products or services that need detailed explanations. I found that longer pages allowed me to address potential customer questions, provide testimonials, and include in-depth information about features and benefits. When I switched to a longer format for a complex product, my conversion rates improved because visitors had all the information they needed to make a decision. Statistics show that longer landing pages can generate 220% more leads than shorter ones. This means that while it takes more effort to create, the payoff can be substantial.

Ultimately, the choice between a longer or shorter landing page depends on your product and audience. Make sure to dive deep into your ICP (ideal customer profile) to learn exactly what they are looking for and their purchasing behaviour. Based on that you can understand how to structure your SAAS landing page and which type of page to go for, short or long.

Examples of High-Converting SAAS Landing Pages

Most popular SAAS products have really simple pages. We can take a page from their book and learn exactly how they are structuring the page. If you’re starting a SAAS or you already have one but you want to build a high-converting landing page, don’t reinvent the wheel. Simply model by what’s already working out there on the internet. It’s really that simple. Let’s break down a few examples of high-converting SAAS landing pages below.


Agencys AI Landing Page

Agencys AI is an AI phone caller that helps other businesses by embedding an AI phone caller within their sales ecosystem. This landing page is mainly focused on benefits and features of this tool. If you take a look at the structure of the landing page it’s pretty much the same as the structure that we laid out earlier in the article. One thing that you can take away from this landing page is that the video is already in the hero section which means that whenever a potential customer lands on the page, they immediately watch the video which increases your conversions.

2. Stammer AI

Stammer AI Landing Page

Stammer AI is a platform that allows you to create AI chatbots in a very easy way. Their landing page has a very simple structure with a VSL on top of the page (this is very popular to do as it visually represents what your customers are getting). One thing they have is an interactive chatbot embedded on their landing page which increases conversions because people can try their chatbot without logging in or signing up to their platform. This is real game changer if you want to show a piece of your software to your customers, you don’t have to provide them with full access.

3. SiteGPT

SiteGPT Landing Page

SiteGPT is a software that lets you create AI agents and chatbots. Their landing page is structured in a really simple way. One feature that I see more and more is the ability to try the software without signing up. Just like with Stammer AI, SiteGPT has the same thing in their hero section, the ability to try their features on their homepage. There is a lesson here. The more interactive the landing page is the better conversions you will have, in most cases. Make sure that your pages are interactive but also make sure to have social proof, features break down and simple CTAs (don’t overdue them). Less is more when it comes to the SAAS landing pages.

Finding High-Converting SAAS Templates

When I first set out to create a high-converting SAAS landing page, I needed some inspiration. Looking at successful examples really helped me understand what works. Here’s where I found some of the best inspiration:

Established SAAS Company Websites: One of my go-to places is the websites of established SAAS companies. I often visit sites like HubSpot, Slack, and Salesforce. These companies have spent a lot of time perfecting their landing pages. By studying their layouts, CTAs, and content strategies, I learned a lot about what elements drive conversions.

Product Hunt: Product Hunt is a great platform to discover new and innovative SAAS products. Each listing often includes a link to the product’s landing page. Browsing through these can provide fresh ideas and showcase a variety of design and content strategies.

Design Communities: Dribbble and Behance are fantastic resources for landing page design inspiration. These communities feature portfolios from talented designers who share creative and high-converting landing page designs. Browsing through their work gives me new perspectives and ideas to try.

SaaS-Specific Forums: Forums like Indie Hackers and SaaS Growth Hacks on Facebook offer valuable insights. Members often share their own landing pages for feedback, and you can see real examples of what’s working and what’s not.

Using these resources, I’ve been able to create landing pages that not only look great but also convert visitors into customers. If you’re looking for inspiration, I highly recommend checking out these sites and communities.

How to Track User Behavior on a SAAS Landing Page

Tracking user behaviour on your SAAS landing page is essential for understanding what works and what doesn't. Here’s how I do it using tools like Hotjar, along with some others that have helped me a lot.

Heatmaps: Hotjar provides heat maps that show where visitors click, scroll, and spend the most time. This visual representation helped me identify which parts of my landing page were engaging and which weren’t. For example, I noticed a lot of users leaving at a specific section, so I reworked the content there, which improved engagement significantly.

Session Recordings: Tools like Crazy Egg and Mouseflow offer session recordings, allowing you to watch real user interactions on your page. This helped me see exactly where users were getting stuck or losing interest. By observing these patterns, I made data-driven changes that improved the user experience.

Scroll Maps: Scroll maps show how far down the page visitors scroll. Using Hotjar’s scroll maps, I discovered that important information placed too low on the page wasn’t being seen by most users. I moved key details higher up, which increased conversions.

User Feedback: Collecting user feedback is crucial. Tools like Qualaroo and Feedbackify allow you to add surveys to your site. I used these to ask visitors what they liked or found confusing. Their responses provided insights that heatmaps and recordings couldn’t.

Form Analytics: Understanding how users interact with forms is vital for lead generation. Tools like Formisimo provide detailed analytics on form interactions. I used this to identify which fields were causing drop-offs and streamlined my forms accordingly.

Why These Tools Are Essential: Using these tools, I could make informed decisions based on actual user behaviour rather than guesswork. This led to a more effective landing page that not only attracted more visitors but also converted them into customers.

Tracking user behaviour with these tools has been a game-changer for me. They provide the insights needed to continuously improve and optimise my landing pages.

Final Thoughts

Creating a high-converting SAAS landing page has been a rewarding challenge for me. By focusing on key elements like a compelling hero section, clear features and benefits, strong social proof, an accessible contact form, engaging demo videos, and a powerful call-to-action, I’ve seen significant improvements in conversion rates. It’s all about making the page user-friendly and informative, ensuring potential customers understand the value of your product right away. I hope these insights help you build a successful landing page for your SAAS product.