What are PLR Digital Products?

June 13, 2024


PLR stands for Private Label Rights, which is a type of license for digital products like ebooks, courses, software, or even articles. When you buy a PLR product, you’re not just buying the product itself; you’re also buying the rights to use it in various ways. You can change it, add to it, or even put your name on it as the creator. Then, you can sell it or give it away to your audience.

The idea is that instead of starting from scratch, you can use these ready-made products to save time and effort, especially if you’re not an expert on the topic or don’t have the resources to create something new from the ground up.

In this blog post, I’m going to dive deeper into how PLR products work, why they might be useful, and some tips on how to use them effectively. Whether you’re looking to grow your business, expand your product offerings, or just find new ways to engage with your audience, understanding PLR could open up a lot of doors. So, let’s get started and explore the world of PLR digital products together!

How to Get Started With PLR?

Source: Matt Revnew

Are you thinking about using PLR (Private Label Rights) products to boost your business or content strategy but not sure where to start? Don't worry—I've got you covered! Today, I’m going to walk you through how to get started with PLR products, step by step. It’s easier than you might think, and it can really help you grow your business without spending a ton of time creating everything from scratch.

Step 1: Understand What PLR Is

First off, it’s important to know exactly what PLR means. PLR products are items like articles, ebooks, software, or even graphics that you can buy and then use as if you created them yourself. You can change them, add your name, and sell or use them in your business.

Step 2: Find a Reputable PLR Provider

Start by finding a good source for PLR content. I mentioned some great websites in my last post where you can find high-quality PLR products. Look for sites with good reviews and maybe even test out a few free products to check the quality before you commit to buying.

Step 3: Choose the Right Products

Pick products that fit well with your business and your audience's interests. For example, if you run a fitness blog, you might look for PLR workout guides or healthy eating ebooks. Make sure the content is something that you feel comfortable endorsing and that it adds value for your audience.

Step 4: Customize the Content

This is a key step! Don’t just use the PLR content as it is. Customize it to make it your own. Change the wording, add your personal insights, update any outdated information, and maybe add your own graphics. This will make the content more unique and tailored to your brand.

Step 5: Use It Wisely

Now that you’ve got your customized PLR content, decide how you’ll use it. You could:

  • Use it as blog posts or articles on your site.
  • Bundle several PLR products to create an ebook or a course.
  • Offer it as a freebie to get more email subscribers.
  • Sell it directly on your website or on platforms like Etsy.

Step 6: Promote Your New Content

Once everything’s ready, don’t forget to promote your new content! Share it on social media, send out an email to your list, and maybe even consider some paid advertising if it’s a bigger product like a course.

Key Takeaways

Quality is key: Always start with high-quality PLR to save time on modifications.

Make it your own: Always customize your PLR products to stand out and truly reflect your brand.

Align with your audience: Choose PLR that’s relevant to your audience’s interests and needs.

What Can You Do With PLR Products?

Are you curious about what you can actually do with PLR (Private Label Rights) products? Let's dive into the possibilities! PLR products are super versatile, and knowing how to use them can really help you expand your content and product offerings without starting from zero.

Customize and Rebrand

One of the coolest things about PLR products is that you can make them your own. Got an ebook? You can change up the content, add your personal insights, or update the graphics to match your style. Then, you can slap your own brand name on it and it’s ready to go. This is perfect for boosting your brand’s visibility and offering something unique to your audience.

Use as Bonuses or Lead Magnets

If you’re trying to grow your email list or encourage people to buy your products, PLR content can be a game-changer. You can use PLR ebooks, reports, or checklists as free bonuses when someone makes a purchase or signs up for your newsletter. This adds value to what you’re offering and can help increase conversions.

Create Online Courses or Workshops

PLR materials, especially comprehensive ones like full courses or series of articles, can be a goldmine. You can transform them into an online course or conduct a workshop. Since the base content is already there, you just need to tweak it to add your voice and update any outdated information. This can save you heaps of time and effort in content creation.

Content for Blogs or Social Media

Keeping a blog or social media channel continuously fresh with content can be exhausting. PLR articles can be a quick way to get new posts out. Edit them to match your tone and style, add some personal insights, and you’ve got yourself content that your followers will enjoy without the full effort of writing from scratch.

Sell Your Own Products

Yes, you can directly sell PLR products, depending on the license agreement. This means you can potentially have a store full of ebooks, software, or guides without writing or coding a single line! Just make sure the content is high-quality and fits your audience’s needs.

Key Takeaways

Customization is key: Always tweak and personalize PLR content to make it original.

Check the license: Understand what the PLR allows you to do; not all PLR rights are the same.

Quality over quantity: It’s better to use fewer high-quality PLR products than to overwhelm your audience with lower quality content.

Who Can Sell PLR Products?

1. Entrepreneurs and Business Owners: If you own a business, especially online, PLR products can be a fantastic addition to what you already offer. For example, if you have a website about health and fitness, you could sell PLR ebooks or courses on related topics. This allows you to provide more value to your customers without having to create all the content yourself.

2. Bloggers and Content Creators: Are you blogging or creating content on YouTube or social media? Then PLR products can be a gold mine for you. You can use PLR content as a base to create your own unique articles, videos, or posts. Or you can package them up and sell them as downloadable guides or ebooks right from your blog or website.

3. Coaches and Educators: If you're a coach or someone who teaches others, PLR products can save you a ton of time. You can find PLR materials that complement your coaching topics and use them as resources or learning materials for your clients. This can help you offer more comprehensive programs without spending extra time on material creation.

4. Anyone Looking to Start a Side Hustle: Selling PLR products is also an excellent option for anyone looking to start a side hustle. Because the products are already made and come with the rights to resell them, you can set up a shop quickly and start selling without a lot of upfront work.

10 Great Websites for Finding PLR Products

There are a lot of websites and resources for finding PLR products online. Most of them are not really that great because they do not offer quality digital products. One of the most important things when searching for a PLR website is to find a website that offers a wide variety of high-quality digital products with good reviews and feedback. That will allow you to resell those products over and over again without issuing refunds which is something you need to avoid at all costs. Here are some fantastic websites that I would recommend below.

1. PLR.me: This site is fantastic for high-quality PLR content, especially if you're in the health, wellness, or personal development niches. They offer articles, ebooks, coaching tools, and more.

2. Resell Rights Weekly: Here, you can find a variety of PLR products, from ebooks to software. They even offer a free membership where you can download some products without paying anything.

3. IDPLR: With over 12,000 products to choose from, IDPLR is one of the largest PLR libraries out there. They have everything from videos to plugins and graphics.

4. Buy Quality PLR: As the name suggests, this site focuses on high-quality PLR products. They offer a range of digital products across various niches.

5. Indigital Works: This site provides a large selection of PLR content, including ebooks, software, and videos. They also offer free membership with access to thousands of products.

6. The PLR Store: You can buy individual PLR articles or ebooks from this site, which makes it easy to get exactly what you need without a subscription.

7. Master Resale Rights: Alongside PLR, they offer products with master resale rights, allowing you to resell the products to customers who can then sell them again.

8. PLR Products: This site features PLR products in a variety of categories including marketing, health, and lifestyle. They also offer master resell and resale rights products.

9. Big Product Store: With a massive range of products updated daily, this site offers unlimited downloads for members and includes everything from templates to audio files.

10. PLR Assassin: This website offers a wide range of PLR products along with some unique VIP features if you choose their premium membership.

Key Takeaways

Diverse Options: These sites offer a wide range of PLR content, so no matter what niche you're in, you'll likely find something useful.

Membership Benefits: Many of these sites offer free and premium memberships. Consider trying out a free membership to see if the products meet your needs before upgrading.

Quality Matters: Remember, quality varies, so always review the PLR content to make sure it aligns with your brand’s standards before you use or sell it.

Pros of PLR Products

Source: Tumto Siram

1. Saves Time: One of the biggest benefits of using PLR products is how much time they save. Instead of spending hours or even days creating content from scratch, you can start with a PLR product and tweak it to meet your needs. This is especially helpful if you need to roll out content regularly and quickly.

2. Cost-Effective: Developing new products can be expensive, especially if you need to hire writers, designers, or other specialists. PLR products are generally much more affordable and involve a one-time purchase price for multiple uses, making them a cost-effective solution.

3. Versatility: PLR products come in many forms—ebooks, courses, articles, graphics, and even software. This versatility means that no matter what type of content you need, there’s likely a PLR product that can help.

4. Customizable: Although PLR content comes pre-made, you can customize it to fit your brand’s voice and style. You can add your own insights, update statistics, or redesign graphics. This customization allows you to make the content unique and more valuable.

Cons of PLR Products

1. Quality Concerns: Not all PLR products are created equal. Some may be poorly written or outdated, which means you might need to spend significant time improving them before they’re ready to use. Always check a sample before purchasing to ensure it meets your standards.

2. Lack of Exclusivity: Because PLR products are sold to multiple people, they are not exclusive to you. This means other businesses could be using the same content, which can be a drawback if your goal is to stand out.

3. Potential Overuse: If a PLR product is very popular, it’s possible that many people will purchase and use it, leading to a saturation of similar content online. This can make it harder for your version to get noticed unless you heavily customize it.

4. Limited Control: Depending on the PLR license, there may be restrictions on how you can use the content. Some licenses may restrict certain modifications or limit where you can sell the final product.


We've covered quite a bit today about PLR (Private Label Rights) digital products. I hope you now have a clearer understanding of what PLR products are and how they can be a big help, especially if you're looking to expand your business without spending tons of time and money on creating new content from scratch.

Recap of What PLR Products Are

Remember, PLR products are digital items like ebooks, courses, articles, or even software that you can buy once and then use almost any way you want. You can edit them, add your name as the creator, and even resell them under your own brand. This makes PLR products super flexible and a great asset for anyone looking to quickly boost their content or product offerings.