Sudowrite Vs Novelai - Which One is a Better AI Writing Tool?

May 31, 2024


As a writer who frequently explores different technologies to enhance creativity and productivity, I've had the opportunity to delve into both these platforms, each promising to revolutionize the way we approach writing. Sudowrite, designed with a focus on aiding authors to overcome writer's block and refine their prose, offers a unique set of features that prioritize collaborative writing and idea generation.

On the other hand, NovelAI stands out with its emphasis on storytelling, providing tools that cater to narrative construction and character development. 

In this blog post, I'll take you through a detailed comparison of both tools, highlighting their strengths, quirks, and how they align with various writing needs. Whether you're a novelist seeking to flesh out a complex fantasy world or a copywriter looking to streamline your workflow, understanding the nuances of these tools could be a game-changer in your writing journey.

What is Sudowrite?

SudoWrite Landing Page

Sudowrite is a helpful writing tool designed to make writing easier, especially when you're stuck. Created by writers for writers, it acts like a helpful partner that's always ready to assist, whether you're writing stories, essays, or anything else.

At its heart, Sudowrite uses powerful AI to offer features like 'Whisper', which helps you continue writing when you don't know what to write next. It suggests ways to keep your story moving forward. Another cool feature is 'Brainstorm', which gives you new ideas and helps you think about different parts of your story in new ways.

Sudowrite also has tools to help make your writing sound better and more interesting. It can help you describe things more vividly and change sentences to sound just right. If you're working on making characters sound real and unique, Sudowrite can help adjust your writing to fit each character's style or the mood of the scene.

What's great about Sudowrite is that it works well with the writing programs many people already use. This makes it easy to start using without having to change how you normally write. Whether you're writing a book, a movie script, or a school paper, Sudowrite gives you the tools to make your writing better.

Pros and Cons of Sudowrite?

In exploring Sudowrite, I've found it helpful to weigh what I really like about it and what could be better. Here’s a simple look at the pros and cons from my experience using Sudowrite for my writing projects.


Keeps Me Writing: The 'Whisper' feature is a lifesaver when I get stuck. It’s like having a friend who’s always ready with a new idea to keep my story going.

Inspires New Ideas: I love the 'Brainstorm' tool because it gives me fresh ideas and helps me see my stories from different perspectives.

Improves My Writing: Sudowrite has tools that make my writing clearer and more exciting. It even helps me match the way I write to each character's personality.

Easy to Use: It fits right into the writing programs I already use, so I didn’t have to change how I write. It was super easy to start using.


Too Much Tech?: Sometimes I worry that relying a lot on Sudowrite might stop me from improving my own writing skills since it does so much.

Doesn't Always Fit:  Occasionally, Sudowrite’s suggestions don’t quite match the style or tone of my story, which can be a bit off-putting.

Cost: Even though Sudowrite is really helpful, it's not free. The cost can add up if I use it a lot.

Overall, Sudowrite is a fantastic tool that makes writing a lot easier and more enjoyable, but it's important for me to remember to use it as a helper and not let it do all the work.

Sudowrite Pricing & Features

When I started using Sudowrite, one of the first things I looked at was how much it costs and what features it offers. Here’s a breakdown of what I found about Sudowrite's pricing and features that might help you decide if it’s right for you.


SudoWrite Pricing

Sudowrite isn't free, and that's something to keep in mind. They have different plans, and the cost depends on how much you plan to use it. They offer a monthly subscription, and the price can feel a bit high if you're just writing occasionally. But, if you're someone who writes a lot, like me, you might find the cost worth it for all the help it gives.


Whisper: This is probably my favorite feature. It helps continue my story when I get stuck. It's like a nudge in the right direction when I run out of ideas.

Brainstorm: This tool is great for coming up with new plot points or expanding on the ones I have. It's like having a brainstorming buddy who's always ready to throw out new suggestions.

Rewrite and Describe: These tools help make my writing sharper and more vivid. 'Rewrite' can change up how a sentence is written, making it stronger or clearer, while 'Describe' helps flesh out scenes with better descriptions.

In short, it offers a lot for its price, especially if you're serious about writing. The features are really user-friendly, and they integrate smoothly into my usual writing tools, which makes it easier for me to keep my workflow steady. While the cost might be a factor, the amount of help and improvement it brings to my writing makes it a worthwhile investment for me.

What is Novelai?

Novel AI - Landing Page

When I first heard about NovelAI, I was curious to see how it could help me with my stories. NovelAI is designed especially for writers who love to create long, detailed stories like novels or epic adventures. Here's what I learned about what NovelAI is and how it can help with writing.

NovelAI is an AI tool that focuses on helping you build and develop your stories. It's like having a guide who knows a lot about storytelling. One of the coolest things about NovelAI is that it's very good at understanding the style and flow of a story, which means it can help keep your writing consistent and engaging.

Overall, NovelAI feels like a powerful partner for anyone who loves writing stories that need lots of imagination and detail. It helps keep my stories interesting and makes sure my characters and worlds are well-developed and consistent. It's really a game-changer for someone like me who dreams of writing the next big fantasy saga.

Pros and Cons of Novelai

As I've been using NovelAI, I've noticed some great things about it and a few areas where it could be better. Let me share with you the pros and cons I've found with NovelAI from my own experience.


Story Continuation: One of the best parts about NovelAI is how it helps continue my stories. When I run out of ideas or get stuck, it comes up with ways to move the story forward, which is super helpful.

Character Voices: I love how NovelAI helps me make each character sound different. It gives suggestions that make my characters' dialogues match their personalities, which really brings my stories to life.

Detailed World-Building: With NovelAI, I can create really detailed and rich settings. It's great for writing fantasy or sci-fi where you need to make a whole world from scratch.


Complexity: Sometimes, NovelAI can be a bit complicated to use. There are lots of tools and options, which is awesome, but it can be overwhelming when you're just starting out.

Creativity Overload: Because it gives so many suggestions, it can sometimes lead to too many ideas, making it hard to decide which one to use.

Subscription Cost: NovelAI requires a subscription, and it might be expensive if you don’t use it very often. But if you’re really into writing long stories, it might still be worth it.

Overall, using NovelAI has been a huge help in making my writing better, especially for long and complex stories. It's like having a smart assistant who's really good at storytelling. While it has a few downsides, like being a bit complicated and costing money, the benefits it brings to my writing make it a valuable tool for me.

Novelai Pricing & Features

As I've been using NovelAI, I wanted to figure out if it was worth the price and what exactly I was getting for my money. Here's what I found out about NovelAI's pricing and features, which might help you decide if it's right for you.


Novel Pricing Plans

NovelAI isn't free, and that's something to keep in mind. They have different subscription plans based on how much you plan to use it. For someone like me who writes a lot, especially long stories, the cost can feel like it's worth it because of all the help it offers. But if you only write now and then, the price might seem a bit much.


Story Continuation: This feature is a huge help. When I’m stuck, NovelAI can take the last bit I wrote and suggest several ways to keep going. It's like it knows where my story should head next.

Character Development: NovelAI helps me flesh out my characters, making sure they have their own unique voices and personalities. This is really cool because it makes my characters stand out and feel real.

Detailed Descriptions: It's great at helping me describe settings and scenes, adding lots of details that make my world feel alive and vibrant.

Overall, NovelAI offers a lot for its price, particularly if you're into writing complex and lengthy stories. The features are user-friendly once you get the hang of them, and they fit well into my writing routine. While the cost might be a factor, the boost it gives my writing makes it a worthwhile investment for me.

Sudowrite vs Novelai Pricing Comparison

After trying out both Sudowrite and NovelAI, I took a close look at how much each one costs to see which one might be better for someone on a budget like me.

Sudowrite Pricing

Sudowrite offers a few different subscription plans, which can fit different budgets and needs. They have a monthly fee, and while it might seem a bit high if you don't write often, it's a good deal if you use it a lot. They also offer a free trial, which is great because you can try it out before you decide to pay anything.

NovelAI Pricing

NovelAI also has several subscription options, and like Sudowrite, it's not free. The cost depends on which features you want to use and how much writing you plan to do. It might be a bit expensive, especially if you're just dabbling in writing. But for those who are serious about their writing, especially long stories, it could be worth the cost.


When comparing the prices of Sudowrite and NovelAI, both seem to have their pros and cons depending on what you're looking for. Sudowrite might be a bit more affordable if you're a casual writer, while NovelAI could be a better value if you're planning to write a lot, particularly complex stories or novels.

In the end, both tools offer great features that can help with writing, but the best one for you might depend on how often you write and what kind of writing you do. For me, deciding between them comes down to figuring out which features I'll use the most and what fits into my budget.


After spending some time with both Sudowrite and NovelAI, deciding which one is the winner isn't as straightforward as I thought it would be. It really depends on what you need for your writing.

If you're like me and you write all kinds of things—stories, essays, and sometimes just fun projects—Sudowrite might feel a bit more useful day-to-day. It's versatile and helps with lots of different writing blocks and ideas. It's also a bit easier on the wallet if you're not writing novels all the time.

But if you're really into writing long stories, like big novels or detailed series, then NovelAI could be the winner for you. It's fantastic for developing complex characters and worlds, and it keeps your story moving. Even though it costs more, the depth of help it provides for big projects might make it worth the extra money.

So, who's the winner? Well, for me, it depends on what I'm working on. I like using Sudowrite for shorter pieces and daily writing tasks. But when I dive into a bigger project, like a novel I've been dreaming up, I lean more towards NovelAI because it helps so much with keeping everything together and interesting.

In the end, both tools are amazing in their own ways. The best one for you will depend on your specific writing needs and what kind of help you're looking for as you write.

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