I Worked With 100+ Clients, Here’s What I Learned

May 10, 2024

Since 2016, I’ve been on a remarkable journey in the business world, working closely with over 100 clients and generating a revenue exceeding $1.5 million. This adventure has not only shaped my business but also offered me invaluable lessons about the essence of client relationships and service delivery. Here, I share four major lessons learned from my experiences.

1. Delivery is Everything

In the business space, particularly in agencies, there’s often a disconnect between what is promised and what is delivered. Many business owners excel in sales pitches but fail in fulfilling those promises. However, the true game-changer is delivery.

Early in my career, I realized the importance of focusing not just on the sales pitch but on the substance of the delivery. The key question I learned to ask was: How can I provide the best possible product or service that keeps clients satisfied and loyal? This means going beyond mere words and ensuring that the quality of your work speaks for itself. Remember, knowing how to sell is just a small part of the equation; delivering on those promises is what sets you apart.

2. Treat Your Clients Like Family

One of the most profound lessons I learned is the importance of building meaningful relationships with clients. Treating clients like family doesn’t just mean being friendly; it’s about respect, partnership, and care. It’s about showing them that their success matters to you as much as your own.

This approach isn’t just about being nice — it’s strategic. When clients feel valued and supported, they are more likely to trust and stick with you long-term. This doesn’t mean that every client relationship will be perfect — people are different, and dynamics vary. However, the effort to treat each client with genuine consideration can profoundly impact how they perceive your value.

3. Transparency Builds Trust

Honesty is the cornerstone of any lasting business relationship. Throughout my career, I’ve strived to maintain transparency with my clients. Whether it was about my capabilities, project timelines, or challenges, being upfront helped build trust.

Transparency goes beyond simply not lying — it’s about being open about what you can do and what you are learning to do. It’s perfectly okay to admit if you don’t know something; what’s important is to follow that up with a commitment to find solutions. This openness has not only helped in building trust but also in setting realistic expectations, which is crucial for project success and client satisfaction.

4. Valuable Lessons from Sales Experience

Starting out, I was not a natural salesperson. I was introverted and initially struggled with the very idea of selling. However, as with any skill, salesmanship can be learned and refined over time. My journey from a hesitant beginner to someone competent in sales is a testament to the power of experience.

Selling, I’ve learned, isn’t just about convincing someone to buy — it’s about convincing yourself of your own value first. It’s about believing in what you offer and your ability to benefit your clients. Over time, this confidence builds and becomes evident in your interactions. Just like consistent workouts improve physical strength, regular and mindful selling improves your sales skills.

Continuing the Journey

These lessons from working with over 100 clients are not just reflections; they are markers on a road that is continuously unfolding. Each client, each project adds a new layer of understanding and skill, enriching my business and personal growth.

For anyone stepping into the realm of business, especially in service-oriented sectors, remember that your success will largely depend on how well you connect with and serve your clients. It’s about much more than transactions; it’s about building relationships, honoring your word, and growing through every interaction.

Thank you for joining me on this journey, and here’s to learning and growing together in the dynamic world of business!

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