How To Automate Instagram Comments with GoHighLevel (ManyChat Alternative)

July 3, 2024


If you're like me, juggling multiple social media accounts can get a bit overwhelming. Keeping up with comments, especially on Instagram, can feel like a full-time job. That's where automation comes in handy. Today, I want to share how you can automate Instagram comments using GoHighLevel, which is a fantastic alternative to ManyChat. Trust me, once you set this up, you'll wonder how you ever managed without it.

In this blog post, I'll walk you through the process step-by-step, breaking it down into simple, easy-to-follow instructions. By the end, you'll have a system in place that not only saves you time but also helps you engage with your audience more effectively. So, whether you're a seasoned marketer or just starting out, stick around – this is going to be super helpful!

This feature is an excellent alternative to ManyChat and requires an agency account within GoHighLevel. If you don't have one, you can sign up for a 30-day free trial using the link provided. In this blog I will show you exactly how you can set this up without too much hassle and with proper step-by-step guide. You will need an Instagram account or Facebook account before we get started. This automation can be done through a Facebook account as well but our main goal today will be to set this up through Instagram so that you can automate your comments and DMs.

Is Automating Instagram Comments Legal?

One of the first questions that popped into my mind when I started looking into automating Instagram comments was, "Is this even legal?" It’s a crucial point to consider, especially since we want to make sure we’re playing by the rules and not putting our accounts at risk. So, let’s dive into this topic and clear up any confusion.

First off, Instagram has a set of guidelines and terms of service that every user agrees to when they create an account. These guidelines are in place to make sure the platform is safe and fair for everyone. When it comes to automation, Instagram’s rules are pretty strict. They don’t outright ban all forms of automation, but they do have clear limits on what’s acceptable.

Instagram primarily wants to prevent spam and ensure that interactions on the platform are genuine. They don’t want their users to be overwhelmed with automated messages that feel impersonal or, worse, misleading. That’s why they’re vigilant about detecting and penalizing accounts that use automation in ways that violate their policies.

Now, the good news is that automating comments isn’t illegal, but it must be done carefully and ethically. The key is to make sure your automated responses add value and don’t come across as spammy. For instance, using automation to thank users for their comments, answer frequently asked questions, or guide them to more information on your website can be perfectly fine. These types of interactions are helpful and maintain a sense of genuine engagement.

However, if your automation is too aggressive, like sending out too many comments in a short period or using generic responses that don’t relate to the actual comment, you might run into trouble. Instagram’s algorithms are designed to pick up on patterns that look unnatural, so it’s important to strike a balance and keep your automated interactions meaningful.

Another important aspect is to use reputable tools for your automation. GoHighLevel, for example, is a robust platform that provides a range of marketing automation features, and it’s designed to comply with various social media guidelines. Using such tools can help you stay within Instagram’s rules while still benefiting from automation.

In conclusion, automating Instagram comments can be legal and beneficial if done correctly. It’s all about enhancing the user experience without crossing the line into spammy behavior. By keeping your automated comments relevant and valuable, you can engage with your audience effectively and responsibly. Let's dive in how you can automate Instagram comments in the right way so that it doesn't go against their terms of services.

Instagram Comment Automation Set Up

Step 1: Switching to Sub Account

When you first log in into your GoHighLevel account, you will find yourself within Agency Account Dashboard. For those of you who are not familliar with GoHighLevel there are 2 types of accounts: Agency accounts and Sub-accounts. Sub-accounts are being used for managing clients or in this case we want to set up our Instagram automation there. So the next step would be to switch to our sub-account. If you don't have one simply go to Sub-accounts tab within GoHighLevel and create a new sub-account.

Switching to a New Sub-Account

Step 2: Connecting an Instagram Page to GoHighLevel

Before we get started with our Instagram comment automation we first need to go an integrate our Instagram page with GoHighLevel. This is the most important part if you want for this automation to work correctly and without any errors.

To do that you need to go to Settings in your sub-account. From settings go to Integrations and there you will see Instagram and Facebook. Simply click on connect and select Instagram. From there you will be able to authorize Instagram and connect it with GoHighLevel.

Sub-Account Integration Settings

Step 3: Finding Automation Template

Once you reach your sub-account next thing you need to do is to go to "Automation" tab. Once you click there you will be forwarded to the automation page.

Automations Page

From here go to blue button in the upper right corner that says: Create Workflow. Here you will be presented with two options: Select a Recipe or Start From Scratch, we will go and click on Select a Recipe. What we are doing here is simply selecting already pre-made automation template (recipe) for our Instagram automation. We don't need to create an automation from scratch, we can simply already use pre-made templates that GoHighLevel is offering to us.

Clicking on "Selecting a Recipe"

From here we simply want to find Recipe - Instagram Comment Automation and click on select. This will then open up an automation that we can adjust. We don't need to be tech savvy and understand everything that is happening here, we simply just want to adjust and fill our own reply message templates. I will show you how to do that. In case this is too complicated for you, at the start of this blog article you can find our video on how to do everything step by step.

Selecting Recipe-Instagram Comment Automation

Step 4: Configuring The Trigger

Once you reach the automation page where you can clearly see how automation is set up and the steps you can go and click on the trigger which is called: Instagram Comments on a Post. This should be the first thing that you see on top of the automation. Once you click on that you will see a section pop out on the right side of your screen. Here you will need to change filter that is called "Page is" and then on the right side you will have option to select your page. If you connected the page correctly you will see the name of your page here.

However if that is not the case, you will need to contact support. GoHighLevel support is extremely fast and you will be able to solve this error fast (this is the only option if your page is not available).

Adding Instagram Page to the Automation

Next step that you need to change is step 2 of the automation which is called "Respond on Comment", click on that step and you will get another similar menu opened up. From here click on add new responses to add more responses for your automation. If you ever used ManyChat this is exactly the same. You will need more responses so that Instagram doesn't consider you a bot and you will have more variety for answering as well and that will make your account more human.

Adding Responses to Instagram Automation

Next up is changing your message. But before that I have one thing I need to highlight here. This automation works in a way when you publish a new post and someone comments any word your Instagram account will send them a message. For specific word triggers you will need to set up a filter which can be set up by clicking "Trigger" which is at the top of your automation and adjusting a filter (adding a new filter) that is called "Exact Phrase". This will allow the automation to trigger itself based on a specific word (exact match word) which can be anything you add.

Adding a Word Trigger (Exact Match Trigger)

From here all we need to do is click on the Instagram Interactive Messenger and change the template text that is in the box. You can change it to whatever you desire. This message will depend what you want to do. If you want to giveaway something then you can say something like: Hey Name, here is my free e-book here: (link). You get the point, it's really simple. Make sure when you are adding a name to add it through the tag icon within the message box.

Changing The Message

The last step of the automation can be deleted since it's an extra step we don't need right now. This is the last thing you need to do before going and clicking on Publish toggle in the upper right corner. Make sure to also save the automation. I would highly recommend you to test out this automation before getting too many messages and comments.

Deleting. the Last Step of The Automation

Adding Actions

You can add actions like sending an email, live chat messages, or Instagram DMs based on the triggers. For instance, if someone comments "free" on your post, you can automatically send them a DM with a link to a free resource.

Comment Automation On Instagram

Use Cases

Many creators use this feature as they want to improve their engagement with their supporters and followers. The reason why they implement this automation is because they can quickly provide support to an engaged prospect as today speed is crucial in digital marketing.

Also, creators with a big following on Instagram get tons of comments and they have a hard time replying to all of them so this automation is really useful when it comes to solving a big volume of comments.

Usually, these automatons are created to serve to build closed communities on platforms like Skool where creators support their community and monetize it.

Another way creators use Manychat automation with Instagram comments is to run contests and giveaways smoothly. Imagine you're hosting a giveaway where people need to comment to enter. Automation can help you keep track of entries and pick winners fairly, saving you lots of time counting entries by hand.

Also, some creators use these automations to gather feedback from their audience. They might ask questions like "What content do you want to see more of?" or "How can I improve my posts?" Automation makes it easy to collect responses and understand what their followers really want.

They can set up automated messages that share information about new launches, special offers, or upcoming events. This way, they keep their audience informed without having to manually reach out to each follower individually.


One of the most powerful aspects of GoHighLevel is its ability to handle high volumes of comments without missing a beat. This means you can focus on other important aspects of your marketing strategy, like creating content or running ads, while GoHighLevel takes care of the day-to-day interactions on Instagram.

As we wrap up, I want to emphasize the long-term benefits of automating your Instagram comments. It’s not just about the immediate time savings; it’s about building a scalable system that grows with your business. The more you can automate, the more you can focus on strategic growth and creative endeavors.

I hope you found this guide thorough and actionable. Automating your Instagram comments with GoHighLevel can revolutionize the way you manage your social media presence, making it easier to stay connected with your audience while freeing up valuable time.

If you have any further questions or need more tips, don’t hesitate to reach out. And for more insights and strategies to boost your digital marketing efforts, be sure to visit our blog at Fuel Your Digital.