How Iman Gadzhi Made a $100M Sales Funnel (Iman Gadzhi Marketing Strategy Breakdown)

June 29, 2024


Iman Gadzhi has become a household name in the world of marketing. This 24 year old’s net worth has been estimated to be $100M+. At such a young age Iman mastered the art of selling and marketing. Not only that he mastered one of the most important aspects of growing an online business and that is client and traffic acquisition through paid and organic marketing. In this blog post we will go over how Iman Gadzhi leveraged his audience to create a $100M sales funnel solely through his audience.

Whether you like Iman or not, he is definitely ahead of its peers in terms of marketing and business knowledge. Believe it or not, he did take inspiration from Russel Brunson, Sam Ovens and Andrew Tate for some of his funnels and organic marketing strategies which is an interesting thing to see. Let’s cover his exact strategy, how you can copy his marketing blueprint and what you can learn from it. It’s going to be a very detailed and in depth understanding of his marketing strategy so sit tight and let’s get right into it.

Iman Gadzhis Sales Funnel

Source: @brillaas on Twitter (X)

Most of what Iman Gadzhi is doing in terms of marketing strategy is by leveraging social media platforms and his audience to sell. This is a common thing that every big YouTuber is doing however he is doing it from a whole another angle. He is actually doing some of the things on purpose and with an exact plan which is the most important part. While his funnel looks extremely complicated when you look at it it’s actually extremely simple.

He is mainly using his YouTube channel as a top of the funnel for his entire marketing strategy. His other social media platforms and now Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and even Telegram. Iman is smart and he knows that having a personal brand in today's day and age is everything especially when it’s built on top of trust, authority and honesty. This is exactly what Iman was doing all these years. He was building a personal brand and that was always his biggest asset and top of his funnel. All the traffic is coming from his personal brand which was primarily built on YouTube through educational long-form content aimed at beginners and people that are currently in the process of building a business.

Understanding His Audience

Iman’s YouTube Channel

The key part of his funnel is understanding his audience. Not only did he dived deep into understanding his audience he also learned through his videos what his audience is like and what they like, dislike and what are their goals. Most people don’t realize how important this really is. Knowing your audience to its core is what will separate you from other marketers. It’s the core of your business especially if you’re building a business on top of an organic audience which Iman is clearly doing. He understood that his audience had a paint point. A paint point was clear: Making $10K a month and building a business or achieving freedom. Those are some goals that his audience has. With his knowledge Iman assembled a team of YouTube experts and grew his YouTube channel to staggering 5 million subscribers at the time of writing this. 

Lead Generation Master

As we talked about his YouTube channel is something that he mastered and it’s a platform where he is turning views into leads and customers. But how you might be thinking? It’s actually very simple. Every once and a while Iman hosts an event where he is teaching others a specific skill or educating masses about a specific business model. Since he is an authority in his niche he has a bigger leverage and most people sign up for the event since it’s completely free. 

But here’s where it gets interesting. Although these events are free and packed with value in the backend these events are generating millions of dollars and that’s from a single event. In one of his last events he made $4 million from one single event and funnel. Once someone signs up to an event that someone becomes an Iman’s customer without even knowing it. Free events or webinars are an awesome “bait” in the marketing world where an event host is providing you valuable information in exchange for your personal data such as email, phone number, name etc. This is done on purpose.

It’s called a warm-up phase. First point of contact is where Iman educates you about a specific topic, next point of contact is through email, SMS and YouTube again. Even if you don’t see it, he is squeezing out the potential of every single potential customer of his in order for them to take action and purchase his course or whatever he is promoting. He is doing so by talking about his potential customers:

  • Problems and paint points
  • Business and personal goals (lifestyle, reaching financial freedom etc)

Iman is doing pretty much everything in order to show up consistently and follow up with his potential customers. He is doing so in a smart way where automations and his team members are doing the heavy lifting for him. Next time you sign up to Iman’s event watch closely what will happen next. 

In most cases what will happen is:

  • Sequence of emails
  • Sequence of SMS 
  • YouTube videos talking about your specific problem

This is exactly what his funnel is made of. It’s an exact sequence of steps in order for you to make a purchase. He is literally transforming people from a viewer into a customer through multiple different steps that we laid out in this part of the article. It’s such a powerful marketing strategy because it works so well and it’s replicable to other industries and niches.

Leveraging Andrew Tate Marketing Strategy

Andrew Tate Short-Form Content Strategy

Recently Iman has been leveraging a strategy inspired by Andrew Tate to boost his online presence even more, and it’s really paying off. Iman hired someone to manage all his short-form content on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. This person is responsible for posting short videos on multiple accounts on each platform. By doing this, Iman is taking a page out of Andrew Tate’s book. This approach ensures that his content is seen by a wide audience and pops up frequently throughout the day.

Let’s break down why this strategy is so effective and how you can use it too.

1. Consistent Exposure

By posting short-form content multiple times a day across various platforms, Iman ensures that his audience sees him often. This consistent exposure is key to building brand recognition. The more people see your content, the more they remember you. This is especially important in today's fast-paced digital world where attention spans are short.

2. Increased Engagement

Short-form videos are perfect for grabbing attention quickly. They are easy to consume and share, which leads to higher engagement rates. When your content is engaging, viewers are more likely to interact with it, leave comments, and share it with their friends. This helps to grow your audience organically.

3. Building Trust

Seeing Iman’s content multiple times a day on different social media channels helps build trust with his viewers. They start to feel like they know him personally, which makes them more likely to trust his brand and products. Trust is a crucial component in converting viewers into loyal customers.

4. Direct Impact on ROI

One of the most impressive aspects of this strategy is its direct impact on ROI (Return on Investment). The more visible and engaging your content is, the more likely you are to convert viewers into customers. Short-form content is cost-effective to produce and can yield significant returns, making it a smart investment for any marketer.

5. Leveraging Multiple Platforms

By using multiple accounts on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, Iman maximizes his reach. Each platform has its unique audience, and by being present on all of them, he ensures that he reaches as many people as possible. This multi-platform approach helps to diversify his audience and increase his overall visibility.

Implementing This Strategy

If you want to implement this strategy, here are a few steps to get you started:

Hire a Content Manager: Find someone who can handle the day-to-day posting and management of your short-form content. This allows you to focus on creating high-quality content.

Create Engaging Content: Focus on creating short, engaging videos that grab attention quickly. Think about what your audience wants to see and how you can provide value.

Post Consistently: Develop a posting schedule that ensures your content is being shared multiple times a day across all platforms. Consistency is key to staying top-of-mind with your audience.

Analyze and Adjust: Regularly review your analytics to see what’s working and what’s not. Use this data to adjust your strategy and improve your results over time.

By taking a page out of Iman Gadzhi’s book and leveraging Andrew Tate’s short-form strategy, you can significantly boost your online presence and see a direct impact on your ROI. Start implementing these steps today and watch your brand grow.

YouTube Webinar Strategy

Have you ever watched a YouTube video and felt like you were getting a ton of valuable information for free, only to find out later that it was part of a clever sales strategy? That's exactly what Iman Gadzhi is doing with his YouTube Webinar Strategy, and it’s genius.

Iman’s approach is pretty straightforward but highly effective. Every single YouTube video he records is designed to boost sales. Instead of creating a traditional webinar, he creates what he calls a "free training." On the surface, these videos are packed with valuable tips and insights, but behind the scenes, they are carefully crafted selling machines.

Here's how it works. Iman provides a lot of value in his videos, which helps build trust and authority with his audience. At some point in the video, he invites viewers to opt in for an event or webinar, or he guides them to purchase a lower-cost item. This initial purchase or sign-up is the entry point into his sales funnel.

Once someone is in the funnel, Iman follows up with a series of emails and SMS messages. These messages keep the audience engaged and warm them up for future products. By staying in touch regularly, he keeps his audience in the loop and ready for his next offer. This approach helps him upsell products or simply keep the audience interested until his next big launch.

This strategy is incredibly effective for a few reasons. First, it directly impacts ROI (Return on Investment). By turning free content into a sales tool, Iman maximizes the value of each video. Second, it builds trust with viewers. When people see valuable content from Iman regularly, they start to trust his brand and are more likely to make a purchase.

Moreover, this strategy ensures that viewers see Iman several times throughout the day on different social media channels. This constant exposure helps reinforce his brand and keeps him top-of-mind for his audience.

If you’re thinking about trying this strategy yourself, here are a few tips:

Create Value-Packed Content: Focus on delivering genuine value in your videos. This helps build trust and makes viewers more likely to follow your calls to action.

Include Clear Calls to Action: Make sure you have clear and compelling calls to action in your videos. Whether it’s signing up for a webinar or purchasing a low-cost item, guide your viewers on what to do next.

Follow Up: Use email and SMS follow-ups to keep your audience engaged. Regular communication helps warm up your audience for future offers and keeps them interested in your brand.

Analyze and Optimize: Keep an eye on your metrics and see what’s working. Use this data to tweak your strategy and improve your results over time.

Iman Gadzhi’s YouTube Webinar Strategy is a smart way to turn free content into a powerful sales tool. By providing value up front and then guiding viewers through a well-designed funnel, you can boost your sales and build a loyal audience. Give it a try, and see how it can work for you.

Breaking Down His Funnel Structure

Let’s break down his exact funnel and landing page structure and copz from A-Z in order for you to understand how detailed this really is. Keep in mind this is just a funnel, his email marketing and other marketing parts are still something we need to cover in detail.

He starts with a bold statement following a trend that is currently happening which in this case is: From 0 to $10K a month with your Drop Servicing agency. This is something he is using to leverage the ongoing trends. Not only that but on each of his funnels he has a VSL. This is by far the most important part since it really paints the picture of what a customer will get. Next up is a button: “Yes, Save my spot now!” which basically gives people FOMO (fear of missing out) and scarcity. This makes people want to click on it more instead of simply saying “buy now” or “learn more”. This is a great tactic to get more people to enroll.

Here he simply says that usually this product’s value is $4500 but now you’re getting it for only $1499. This is a simple price anchoring. It’s basically to show off the value that he is providing to other people with his product that he is currently selling.

Here he is doing it again. He listed out a bunch of his previous products that he will be giving away for free within his main product that is currently within this funnel. Iman is not only displaying the price here but it’s also telling you that instead of paying thousands of dollars you will be getting this for free within the final product that he is selling in this funnel. This strategy works really well.

At the end just like with any funnel he is showing his testimonials which are building even more credibility within the funnel. This is essential for every single funnel if you want to get people to buy more. If this isn’t something that will trigger people then I don’t know what will. If this doesn’t give people enough value and information for them to buy it then you are doing something wrong. Testimonials are one of the best ways to portray that you are legit and that you know what you’re talking about.

Email Marketing and Copywriting 

Iman Gadzhi Email Newsletter

Iman is always covering the same pain points, goals and aspirations that his ideal customers have. This is something that is visible in his YouTube videos, his SMS campaigns and as well as his email marketing strategy too. He always likes to keep reminding people about their paint points, why they are not reaching their goals and how his product or a service can help you bridge that. It’s a very smart approach that works. Remember, people are emotional and most of them are buying when they are in an emotional state. 

Iman’s copywriting is really good. Not only does he portray a picture of wealth and financial freedom like no one else, he also dives really deep into the core of the problem and paint points of his ideal customer avatars. It’s a skill that not many people have. Obviously he now has a team but it’s definitely something that is an asset especially when you have millions of people subscribed to your email list. His email list is a dream of many marketers. If he has a minimum of 1 million people and conversion rate of 0.5% on a $500 product… I will let you do the math on this one. 

Leveraging Iman’s Marketing Strategy For Your Business

Have you ever wondered how you can use Iman Gadzhi’s marketing strategies to grow your own business? It’s simpler than you might think, and I’m here to guide you through it. By following these steps, you can create a powerful marketing funnel that attracts and warms up your prospects, making it easier to close sales.

Step 1: Produce Organic Content

First, start by creating organic content that provides valuable information about your product or service. This content can be in the form of videos, blog posts, or social media updates. Make sure that in your videos and descriptions, you invite your audience to book a call with you if they need help with their specific pain points. This call to action is crucial as it directs your viewers to take the next step with you.

Step 2: Use a Landing Page with a VSL

Once someone books a call, send them to a landing page that features a Video Sales Letter (VSL). In this video, explain more about what your product or service is about. Keep it short but make sure it’s packed with valuable information. The goal here is to give them a deeper understanding of how you can help them and to build their interest further.

Step 3: Provide Testimonials and Proof

On your landing page, also include testimonials and proof that your product or service really works. Showcasing real success stories and results will help build trust and credibility with your prospects. When they see that others have benefited from what you’re offering, they’ll be more likely to believe that they can too.

This is exactly what Iman is doing with his YouTube videos, but on a larger scale. By using this approach, your prospects and clients will spend more time with you before you even get on a call with them. They’ll already know who you are and what you offer, making it easier for you to close the sale because they’re already warmed up and interested.

By leveraging Iman’s strategy, you can make your sales process smoother and more efficient. It’s all about providing value, building trust, and guiding your prospects through a well-designed funnel. Give these steps a try, and you’ll see how effective they can be for your business.

Learning From The Best in The Game

Sam Oven’s YouTube Channel

What separates Iman from other marketers and business owners is that he never stops learning. If I had to guess, he has probably invested over six figures in his self-education. This includes attending both in-person and online masterminds. One of his mentors was Sam Ovens, and Iman participated in several of his masterminds.

It's easy to look at Iman today and think he got lucky, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Iman has always been dedicated to learning and investing in himself, both as a person and as a business owner. This commitment to continuous improvement is a big part of why he has been so successful.

Iman understands that the world of marketing and business is always changing. By staying on top of new trends and learning from the best in the industry, he ensures that he’s always ahead of the curve. This willingness to learn and adapt is something all marketers can learn from.

One key takeaway from Iman’s journey is the importance of investing in your education. Whether it’s through online courses, attending seminars, or joining masterminds, continuously learning can help you grow your business and stay competitive. Iman’s story shows that success comes from hard work, dedication, and a constant desire to learn.

If you’re looking to improve your marketing skills, take a page from Iman’s book and invest in yourself. Learn from the best, stay curious, and never stop growing.


In conclusion, Iman Gadzhi's $100 million sales funnel is a testament to the power of smart marketing strategies and hard work. By focusing on building trust with his audience, providing valuable content, and using effective follow-up techniques, Iman has created a highly successful sales funnel.

From leveraging social media to implementing the YouTube Webinar Strategy, every step Iman takes is carefully planned and executed to maximize his ROI. His approach to marketing shows that with the right tactics, it’s possible to turn leads into loyal customers and achieve incredible success.

If there’s one thing we can learn from Iman Gadzhi, it’s that understanding your audience and consistently delivering value are key to building a profitable sales funnel. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to improve your existing strategies, taking a page out of Iman’s book could help you reach your marketing goals.

I hope you’ve found this breakdown of Iman Gadzhi’s marketing strategies helpful. Remember, successful marketing is all about strategy, persistence, and constantly learning from others. If you want more insights and tips on how to grow your business, be sure to visit my blog at Fuel Your Digital. Thank you for reading, and best of luck with your marketing efforts!

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