Cloudways vs WP Engine Comparison - Which One is a Better Hosting Platform?

June 19, 2024


Today, we're diving into a big question many of us face when setting up a website: Which hosting platform is better, Cloudways or WP Engine? Both are popular choices known for their robust features and excellent performance, but choosing between them can be tough. Each has its unique strengths and might suit different types of websites and user needs better. So, I'm going to break down the features, performance, pricing, and user experience of both Cloudways and WP Engine to help you decide which one might be the best fit for your next web project. Let’s get started and see how they stack up against each other!

Cloudways Review & Features

Source: Cloudways

Cloudways is a managed cloud hosting platform that stands out because it allows you to choose from several leading cloud providers like DigitalOcean, AWS, Google Cloud, Linode, and Vultr. This flexibility means you can pick a service that fits your needs and budget, without being stuck with one option.

Key Features of Cloudways

1. Server Choices: Cloudways lets you select the underlying infrastructure from some of the top cloud providers. This means you can scale your resources depending on your site's traffic and needs.

2. Easy-to-Use Platform: Despite being a cloud hosting service, Cloudways keeps things user-friendly. You don’t need to be a tech expert to manage your hosting. The platform has a straightforward dashboard where you can manage your servers, applications, and settings all in one place.

3. Performance and Speed: Cloudways optimizes performance with advanced caching tools such as Varnish, Redis, and Memcached. These tools ensure your website loads quickly, which is crucial for keeping visitors happy and improving your site’s SEO.

4. Security Features: Security is a top priority for Cloudways. The platform offers free SSL certificates, dedicated firewalls, and regular security patching. This means your website is protected against many common security threats.

5. 24/7 Support: If you ever run into issues, Cloudways offers 24/7 customer support. You can reach out to their team via live chat or ticketing any time of the day, which is a big relief if you encounter any problems.

6. Pricing Flexibility: Cloudways uses a pay-as-you-go pricing model, which means you only pay for the resources you use. This can be more cost-effective compared to flat-rate pricing, especially if your site experiences fluctuating traffic.

From my experience, Cloudways is a solid choice for anyone looking for a managed cloud hosting solution. Its blend of flexibility, performance, and security features makes it a standout option. Whether you’re just starting a blog or managing a large online store, Cloudways offers a scalable, user-friendly service that meets a wide range of hosting needs.

Today, I want to share my thoughts on using Cloudways for hosting websites. I've been exploring different hosting options, and Cloudways stood out for several reasons. Here’s a rundown of the pros and cons I found with Cloudways, plus some key benefits that might help you decide if it's the right choice for you.

Pros of Cloudways Hosting

1. Choice of Cloud Providers: One of the biggest advantages of Cloudways is that you can choose from multiple cloud providers like DigitalOcean, AWS, and Google Cloud. This flexibility allows you to select the provider that best fits your budget and performance needs.

2. User-Friendly Platform: Despite offering sophisticated cloud hosting options, Cloudways keeps things surprisingly user-friendly. Their platform is intuitive, making it easy for someone without deep technical knowledge to manage their hosting effectively.

3. Performance Optimization: Cloudways excels in performance. They use advanced caching tools like Varnish, Redis, and Memcached to speed up website loading times, which is crucial for both user experience and SEO.

4. Scalability: With Cloudways, scaling your resources up or down is straightforward, depending on your site's traffic. This scalability is ideal for businesses that experience fluctuating web traffic.

5. Strong Security Measures: They offer robust security measures, including free SSL certificates, dedicated firewalls, and regular security patching, which helps protect your website from potential threats.

6. No Long-Term Contracts: Cloudways operates on a pay-as-you-go basis, meaning there are no long-term contracts. You can upgrade, downgrade, or even cancel services without penalty.

Cons of Cloudways Hosting

1. No Email Hosting: Cloudways does not provide email hosting, which can be a drawback if you're looking to manage email accounts through your hosting provider. You'll need to use third-party email services.

2. Pricing Can Be Complex: While the pay-as-you-go model offers flexibility, it can also make monthly costs unpredictable, especially if your site experiences significant fluctuations in traffic.

3. Limited File Storage: Depending on which cloud provider you choose, you might find the storage options a bit limiting compared to traditional hosting services that offer unlimited storage.

4. Learning Curve: Although the platform is designed to be user-friendly, there's still a learning curve involved, especially if you're new to cloud hosting. Some users might find the wide range of features and settings overwhelming at first.

Key Benefits

Increased Performance and Speed: The use of multiple caching layers and options to choose powerful servers from top cloud providers means that websites hosted on Cloudways load faster and perform better.

Enhanced Security: Cloudways’ proactive security practices ensure that all websites are secure and data is protected, which is vital in today's digital landscape.

Support and Customer Service: Their 24/7 customer support and extensive knowledge base make it easier for users to resolve issues quickly and learn how to utilize all the features available on the platform effectively.

Cloudways Pricing

Source: Cloudways

Cloudways is unique because it lets you choose from several cloud providers like DigitalOcean, Linode, AWS, and Google Cloud. Each provider has different pricing structures, but Cloudways makes it consistent across the board by offering a managed service on top of these providers. Here’s how it generally breaks down:

1. Pay-As-You-Go Model

Cloudways uses a pay-as-you-go model, meaning you only pay for the resources you use. This is great because you don't have to commit to a long-term contract and can adjust your resources based on your current needs.

2. Monthly Pricing Plans

The pricing depends on the server and resources you choose. For example:

  • Entry-Level Plan: If you go with something basic, like a DigitalOcean server, prices might start as low as $14 per month. This would typically give you 1 GB RAM, 1 Core Processor, 25 GB storage, and 1 TB bandwidth.
  • Higher Specs: If you need more power, you could choose a larger setup, like a Google Cloud server, which can cost significantly more, say around $33.18 per month for similar or slightly higher resources.

3. Add-On Services

Cloudways offers several add-ons like email services, additional storage, and application monitoring, which can add to your monthly costs. These are optional but useful if you need specific features for your website.

4. Free Features

What’s cool about Cloudways is that they include a lot of features for free that other hosts might charge you for. For instance:

  • Free SSL Certificates: Essential for security and SEO.
  • Free Migration: If you’re moving your site from another host, they’ll help you do it free of charge.
  • No Transaction Fees: Unlike some eCommerce hosts, Cloudways doesn’t take a cut of your sales.

Why It’s Worth It

You might be wondering if paying for Cloudways is worth it, especially if you’re used to traditional hosting costs. Here are a couple of reasons why the price tag can be justified:

  • High Performance: With Cloudways, you’re essentially getting high-speed, high-performance hosting because you're using top-tier cloud providers optimized by Cloudways for even better performance.
  • Hassle-Free Maintenance: Cloudways handles all the server maintenance and setups, like security patches and updates, so you don’t have to worry about the technical stuff.

Who Should Consider Using Cloudways?

Cloudways is a managed cloud hosting platform, which means it offers services that are a bit different from traditional hosting. It's not just for anyone looking to throw up a quick blog or small personal site. Let’s break down who can really benefit from what Cloudways has to offer:

1. Developers and Agencies: If you're a developer or a part of a web development agency, Cloudways is perfect for you. The platform provides advanced features and controls that allow you to deploy, manage, and scale websites easily. The ability to choose from multiple top-tier cloud providers like DigitalOcean, AWS, and Google Cloud gives you the flexibility to match the specific needs of your projects.

2. E-commerce Businesses: Running an e-commerce site requires robust hosting solutions that can handle sudden spikes in traffic and transactions smoothly. Cloudways excels here by offering scalable hosting options that ensure your online store remains fast and responsive, no matter how much traffic you get.

3. Bloggers with Growing Traffic: If you started with a small blog that’s now attracting a growing number of visitors, you might need more than what basic shared hosting can provide. Cloudways allows you to scale your resources as your audience grows, ensuring that your blog always loads quickly and can handle more visitors.

4. Businesses with High Traffic Websites: For businesses that operate high-traffic websites, reliability and uptime are crucial. Cloudways offers high-performance servers and a 99.99% uptime guarantee, making it a reliable choice for businesses that can’t afford any downtime.

5. Freelancers Offering Web Services: If you’re a freelancer who builds and manages websites for clients, Cloudways can simplify your workflow. Its easy-to-manage platform lets you focus more on development and less on server management. Plus, you can easily handle multiple client projects through a single dashboard.

Why Choose Cloudways?

  • Simplicity: Even though it’s a powerful hosting solution, Cloudways keeps things simple with an intuitive platform that lets you manage your website without needing to be a server expert.
  • Performance: With choices among some of the fastest cloud providers in the market and features like built-in caches, your websites are set to perform at top speeds.
  • Support: They offer excellent customer support, which is a huge plus if you run into any issues or have questions about your hosting.

Cloudways is ideal for anyone who needs more than what traditional shared hosting can offer but doesn’t want the hassle of managing a server on their own. With its flexible plans, wide range of cloud providers, and user-friendly management features, Cloudways is particularly suited for tech-savvy individuals, businesses with scaling needs, and web professionals looking for efficient management tools. If you fit into any of these categories, Cloudways could be the hosting solution you’re looking for to take your online presence to the next level.

WP Engine Review & Features

Source: WP Engine

WP Engine is a hosting platform that specializes in WordPress sites. This means everything they offer is optimized just for WordPress, from the way they handle security to how they manage website speed. It’s like having a service that knows exactly what a WordPress site needs to perform at its best.

Key Features of WP Engine

1. Managed Hosting: WP Engine provides managed hosting. This means they take care of all the technical stuff like updates, security, and backups. You don’t have to worry about the nitty-gritty details of managing a website; they do it for you.

2. Performance and Speed: They have a reputation for being super fast. WP Engine uses advanced technology like caching and a content delivery network (CDN) to make sure your site loads quickly. Fast loading times are crucial for keeping your visitors happy and doing well in search engine rankings.

3. Top-Notch Security: Security is a big deal for WP Engine. They monitor your site for threats and keep it protected against hackers and malware. They also ensure your data is safe by offering automatic backups. This means if something goes wrong, you can restore your site to a previous version without a hitch.

4. Customer Support: Their customer support is impressive. If you ever have issues or questions, you can reach out to their support team 24/7 via chat or phone. They’re known for being helpful and knowledgeable, especially about all things WordPress.

5. Developer-Friendly Tools: If you’re a developer, you’ll appreciate the advanced features WP Engine offers, like Git version control, staging environments, and more. These tools make it easier to test changes and updates to your site before they go live, ensuring everything runs smoothly.

Who Should Consider WP Engine?

WP Engine is perfect for:

  • Business Owners: If you run a business and need a reliable website that you don't have to fuss over, WP Engine is a great choice.
  • Bloggers: For bloggers who anticipate growing their traffic and want a website that can scale with them, WP Engine offers the power and reliability you might need.
  • Developers: If you’re developing sites for clients, the tools and support WP Engine offers can make your job much easier.

Pros of WP Engine

1. Optimized for WordPress: WP Engine is specifically tailored for WordPress sites, which means everything from the server setup to the support team is geared towards optimizing WordPress performance. This focus can really make a difference in how smoothly your site runs.

2. Strong Security Features: They take security seriously, offering features like automatic updates, daily backups, and real-time threat detection. This means less worrying about potential security issues for me and more focus on creating content or managing my business.

3. Excellent Customer Support: WP Engine has knowledgeable support staff available 24/7. They are experts in WordPress, so they can help solve problems quickly and efficiently. Having access to expert help whenever needed is a huge plus.

4. Performance and Speed: Their platform is built to handle traffic spikes and heavy loads, which is great for high-traffic sites. With built-in caching and a CDN option, my site loads quickly, which is crucial for keeping my visitors happy and improving SEO.

5. Developer-Friendly Tools: For those who like to tinker under the hood, WP Engine provides advanced development tools like staging areas and Git integration. This makes it easy to develop and test your site before making changes live.

Cons of WP Engine

1. Price Point: WP Engine is definitely on the pricier side compared to other hosting options. The starting price can be a bit high for beginners or those running small sites who might not need all the advanced features.

2. Limited to WordPress: If you want to run anything other than a WordPress site, WP Engine isn’t an option. It’s specialized hosting, so it’s not versatile if you decide to explore other platforms.

3. Storage Limitations: Their plans come with set storage limits that might not be sufficient for larger sites or those with lots of media content. You might need to upgrade to a more expensive plan or manage your resources carefully.

4. No Email Hosting: WP Engine doesn’t provide email hosting, which means you’ll need to use a third-party provider for your email services. This could be an extra hassle and expense.

Key Benefits

Despite the cons, the benefits like enhanced security, exceptional speed, and strong WordPress support make WP Engine a powerful hosting choice for anyone serious about their WordPress site. It’s ideal for businesses or individuals who expect their site to grow and need a host that can grow with them.

Choosing WP Engine comes down to what you value most for your site. If high performance, strong security, and excellent WordPress support are top priorities for you, then the investment might very well be worth it. However, if you’re just starting out or have simpler hosting needs, you might want to consider more budget-friendly options.

WP Engine has been a reliable host for me, providing peace of mind with their robust platform and expert support. If you’re running a WordPress site and are looking for a host that offers top-notch service and can scale with your growing site, WP Engine is definitely worth considering.

WP Engine Pricing Overview

Source: WP Engine

WP Engine is known for its premium managed WordPress hosting services, which means their pricing reflects the specialized and feature-rich platform they offer. Here’s what you should know about their plans:

1. Essentials WordPress: This is their entry-level plan, ideal for small websites or blogs just getting started. It typically includes 1 website with up to 25,000 visits per month, 10 GB of storage, and 50 GB of bandwidth. This plan usually starts around $20 per month if you pay annually.

2. Essential eCommerce: Stepping up from the Startup, the Growth plan is great if you're expanding. It supports up to 3 websites with 75,000 visits per month, 15 GB of storage, and 125 GB of bandwidth. Pricing for this plan generally starts around $50 per month with annual payment.

3. Core Wordpress: For larger businesses or rapidly growing sites, the Scale plan increases support to 30 websites, 400,000+ visits per month, 50 GB of storage, and 500 GB of bandwidth. This is priced around $400 per month when billed annually.

4. Custom Plans: WP Engine also offers custom solutions for large businesses or enterprises needing more specific resources or support. These plans come with the highest performance capabilities, dedicated environments, and are priced based on your specific needs.

What’s Included?

All WP Engine plans come with some excellent features, no matter which tier you choose. Here are a few:

  • Genesis Framework: This popular WordPress framework is included, which is a big plus for WordPress enthusiasts.
  • 35+ StudioPress Themes: High-quality themes are available for free to make your site look professional.
  • Free SSL Certificates: Essential for security and SEO.
  • 24/7 Chat Support: Help is always available if you run into issues.

Is It Worth the Cost?

WP Engine is definitely on the pricier side compared to basic hosting services. However, the cost can be justified by the premium features, exceptional speed, security, and support they offer, especially if you are serious about your site’s performance and security.

For someone just starting out, the Startup plan can be a good choice, balancing cost with powerful features. For growing businesses, the higher plans make scaling up seamless and stress-free, thanks to their increased resource limits and additional features.

Who Should Consider Using WP Engine?

1. Business Owners with WordPress Sites: If you run a business and your website is built on WordPress, WP Engine is tailored for you. It’s great for business owners who want a reliable platform that takes care of all the technical aspects of hosting a website. This means you can focus more on running your business without worrying about managing your site.

2. Professional Bloggers: For bloggers who are planning to scale up their traffic or monetize their blogs, WP Engine provides robust tools and excellent uptime. This is crucial for bloggers who can’t afford any downtime which might affect their readership and revenue.

3. Agencies Managing Multiple WordPress Sites: WP Engine offers features that are particularly handy for agencies that handle multiple client websites. Tools like the staging environment, easy site transfers, and multisite management make WP Engine a practical choice for professionals who need efficiency and reliability.

4. Developers Who Need Advanced Features: WP Engine is developer-friendly, offering advanced features like Git integration, staging environments, and access to development tools that help in building, testing, and launching WordPress sites smoothly. If you’re a developer looking for a robust hosting environment that supports best practices in website development, WP Engine might be the right choice for you.

Why They Choose WP Engine:

  • Managed Hosting: This is a huge plus as it means WP Engine handles security, updates, and backups, which can be quite time-consuming.
  • Performance: With technology built for speed and reliability, WP Engine ensures that your site performs well, even under heavy traffic.
  • Scalability: Whether you’re starting small or already have high traffic, WP Engine can scale to meet your needs without skipping a beat.
  • Customer Support: Known for stellar customer support, WP Engine provides peace of mind, knowing that expert help is just a chat or phone call away.

WP Engine is not for everyone, especially given the cost compared to other hosting options. However, for those who rely heavily on their WordPress sites and need them to run smoothly without technical hassles, WP Engine offers value that can be worth the investment. If you fit into any of the categories I mentioned, and you want a hosting service that goes beyond just space on a server, WP Engine could be exactly what you need. It’s all about making sure your site is as effective and efficient as possible, allowing you to focus on what you do best.

Cloudways and WP Engine - Which One is Better?

Now that we covered both platforms, let’s get a clear picture of what each platform offers:

Cloudways is known for its flexibility and control. It allows you to choose from multiple cloud providers like DigitalOcean, AWS, and Google Cloud. This means you can tailor your hosting environment to fit your specific needs and budget.

WP Engine, on the other hand, is all about providing a premium, managed WordPress hosting experience. It’s optimized specifically for WordPress sites, offering powerful tools and outstanding support designed to help WordPress users maximize their site’s potential.

Key Features Comparison


  • Multiple Cloud Providers: You can choose from five different providers, customizing your hosting setup.
  • Flexible Pricing: Pay-as-you-go pricing means you only pay for the resources you use.
  • Free Migrations: Cloudways offers free site migrations, which is a huge plus if you’re switching providers.
  • Built-in Caches: Tools like Varnish and Redis enhance your site’s performance by improving load times.

WP Engine

  • WordPress-Centric: Everything from the ground up is built for WordPress, which ensures high compatibility and optimization.
  • GeoTarget: WP Engine offers features like GeoTarget to personalize content based on a user’s location.
  • Staging Environments: Easily test changes on your site before making them live with one-click staging sites.
  • Premium Themes: Access to over 35 premium WordPress themes at no extra cost.

Pricing Models

Cloudways Pricing

  • Starts at around $10 per month for the basic tier on DigitalOcean.
  • No fixed plans; pricing adjusts based on the server specs and provider you choose.
  • Additional costs for premium services like advanced backups and email.

WP Engine Pricing

  • Starts at $25 per month for the Startup plan, which includes one website and up to 25,000 visits per month.
  • Higher-tier plans like Growth and Scale increase in price, offering more features and allowances for traffic and storage.
  • Plans include free access to premium themes and development tools, adding value.

Performance and Reliability

Both platforms boast robust performance metrics, but their focuses are slightly different. Cloudways allows more customization which can be perfect if you need to balance cost with performance across various cloud infrastructures. WP Engine, meanwhile, is finely tuned for WordPress, potentially offering a more streamlined experience if you don’t need the broader configurability that Cloudways provides.

Customer Support and User Experience

  • Cloudways offers 24/7 support through live chat and an extensive knowledge base. However, premium support comes at an additional cost.
  • WP Engine provides 24/7 live chat support, and higher plans include 24/7 phone support. Their WordPress experts are highly praised for their effective support.

Ideal User Base

  • Cloudways is great for developers, agencies, and tech-savvy individuals who need flexibility and control over their hosting environment.
  • WP Engine is ideal for WordPress website owners who want a hassle-free hosting experience with lots of WordPress-specific perks.

Who Is the Overall Winner?

Choosing an “overall winner” between Cloudways and WP Engine really depends on your specific needs:

  • If you value flexibility, customizable plans, and have a good grasp of web hosting, Cloudways might be the way to go. It’s particularly appealing for those managing multiple sites across different platforms and who are comfortable navigating a slightly more complex backend to optimize costs and performance.
  • If your priority is having a streamlined, powerful, and supportive WordPress hosting environment without the need to tweak server settings, WP Engine is likely your best bet. It’s especially suited for less technical users or those who specifically want to focus on growing their WordPress site without managing the hosting nitty-gritty.

In conclusion, both Cloudways and WP Engine offer strong hosting solutions, but they serve different types of users. Your choice should align with your technical comfort level, budget, and specific website needs. Whether you go with the flexibility of Cloudways or the specialized focus of WP Engine, both are solid choices that offer reliable, high-performance hosting.