Can You Use Hashtags on Pinterest?

June 29, 2024


If you're anything like me, you probably love using Pinterest to find new ideas and inspiration for your projects. Whether it's for home decor, recipes, or even marketing tips, Pinterest has become a go-to source for discovering fresh and exciting content. But here's a question that often pops up: can you use hashtags on Pinterest?

As marketers, we know that hashtags are a powerful tool on platforms like Instagram and Twitter to help increase the visibility of our posts. But how do they work on Pinterest? Are they as effective, and should we be using them to boost our pins?

In this post, we're going to dive into the world of Pinterest hashtags. We'll explore how they work, the best practices for using them, and some tips on how to get the most out of your Pinterest marketing strategy. So, grab a cup of coffee, get comfortable, and let's explore the ins and outs of using hashtags on Pinterest together!

How Hashtags Work on Pinterest

Pinterest Hashtags

Alright, so let’s talk about how hashtags actually work on Pinterest. Unlike other social media platforms, Pinterest didn’t always support hashtags. But now, you can definitely use them, and they can be quite beneficial if you know how to use them correctly.

When you add hashtags to your pin descriptions, they function as clickable links. This means that when someone clicks on a hashtag, they’ll be taken to a feed of all the pins that share that same hashtag. It’s a way to categorize content and make it easier for users to find what they’re looking for. For example, if you’re pinning a recipe for chocolate chip cookies, adding hashtags like #chocolatechipcookies, #baking, or #dessert can help people who are searching for those terms to discover your pin.

But here's the thing: Pinterest hashtags are used primarily for discovering fresh content. When someone clicks on a hashtag, they see the most recent pins that have been tagged with that hashtag. This is a bit different from Instagram, where you might see the most popular posts at the top. On Pinterest, it’s all about what’s new.

As marketers, this is important to remember. Using hashtags can help your new pins get noticed quickly, especially if you're posting about trending topics or seasonal content. However, don’t go overboard with them. Pinterest recommends using no more than 20 hashtags per pin, but even that can be too much. A good rule of thumb is to use around 3-5 relevant hashtags that clearly describe your content. This way, you avoid looking spammy and ensure that your pins reach the right audience.

So, in short, yes, you can and should use hashtags on Pinterest. They can help increase the visibility of your pins and attract more people to your content. Just be sure to use them wisely and keep your audience in mind.

When to Use Hashtags?

Source: Louise Myers

Now that we know hashtags can be used on Pinterest, the next question is: when should we use them? Timing and context are crucial in making sure our hashtags are effective.

First off, you want to use hashtags when you’re pinning new content. Remember, Pinterest displays the most recent pins tagged with a specific hashtag, so adding hashtags to fresh pins can help them get discovered more quickly. For instance, if you're launching a new blog post, product, or seasonal promotion, adding relevant hashtags can give it an extra boost in visibility right away.

Seasonal content is another great opportunity to use hashtags. Think about popular holidays or events like Christmas, Halloween, or back-to-school season. Using hashtags related to these times, like #ChristmasDecor or #BackToSchoolTips, can help your pins be part of the trending searches during those periods. People are often looking for ideas and inspiration around these events, so your pins have a higher chance of getting noticed if they’re tagged appropriately.

It’s also a good idea to use hashtags when you’re sharing timely or trending topics. If there’s a popular trend or a hot topic in your industry, jump on it with the right hashtags. For example, if there’s a new social media challenge or a viral recipe, use the relevant hashtags to join the conversation and increase your reach.

However, it’s important to note that hashtags should always be relevant to the content you’re sharing. Don’t just add popular hashtags for the sake of it. If your hashtags don’t match your content, you might attract the wrong audience or, worse, get flagged as spam by Pinterest’s algorithm.

Lastly, don’t forget to use a mix of broad and specific hashtags. Broad hashtags like #Food or #Travel can get your pins in front of a large audience, but they’re also highly competitive. More specific hashtags like #VeganRecipes or #SoloTravelTips can help you target a more niche audience that’s more likely to engage with your content.

To end it here, use hashtags when pinning new, seasonal, or trending content, and make sure they’re relevant and a mix of broad and specific. This strategy will help your pins get noticed and attract the right audience.

Growth Impact of Hashtags on Pinterest

Let’s dive into the exciting part: how using hashtags can impact your growth on Pinterest. As marketers, we’re always looking for ways to expand our reach and engage more effectively with our audience. Hashtags can be a powerful tool in achieving that.

First, using hashtags can significantly increase the visibility of your pins. When you add relevant hashtags to your pin descriptions, you make it easier for users to find your content. For example, if someone is searching for #HealthyRecipes, and you’ve included that hashtag in your pin, there’s a good chance they’ll come across your post. This can lead to more views, repins, and clicks, which all contribute to the growth of your Pinterest presence.

Another way hashtags help is by boosting engagement. When your pins are more discoverable, more people interact with them. This includes saving your pins to their own boards, clicking through to your website, and even following your Pinterest account for more updates. Increased engagement not only helps your current pins perform better but also improves your overall profile visibility on Pinterest.

Moreover, hashtags can attract a more targeted audience. By using specific hashtags related to your niche, you ensure that the people finding your pins are genuinely interested in your content. For instance, if you’re a travel blogger, hashtags like #TravelTips or #AdventureTravel can attract users who are specifically looking for travel-related content. This targeted traffic is more likely to convert into followers, subscribers, or customers, depending on your goals.

Hashtags also play a crucial role in keeping your content relevant over time. Since Pinterest organizes content by recency when it comes to hashtags, regularly updating your pins with current and trending hashtags can keep your content in circulation longer. This continuous exposure is key to sustaining growth and staying relevant in your niche.

Lastly, using hashtags strategically can provide insights into what’s working and what’s not. By tracking which hashtags drive the most engagement, you can refine your hashtag strategy over time. This means you can focus on the hashtags that bring the best results and adjust your approach for even better performance.

In conclusion, hashtags can have a significant growth impact on Pinterest by increasing visibility, boosting engagement, attracting a targeted audience, and keeping your content relevant. By using them wisely, you can enhance your Pinterest strategy and achieve your marketing goals.

How to Get Hashtags for Pinterest?

Finding the right hashtags for your Pinterest pins can be a bit of a challenge, but don’t worry, I’ve got some tips to make it easier for you. Here are the best ways to discover and choose the most effective hashtags for your content.

Use Pinterest Search: One of the simplest ways to find relevant hashtags is to use Pinterest’s own search bar. Start by typing in a keyword related to your pin. For example, if you’re pinning a recipe, you might type in “chocolate cake.” As you type, Pinterest will suggest related search terms. Take note of these suggestions, as they can be great hashtags to use. You can also check out the top pins in your search results to see which hashtags others are using.

Explore Popular Pins: Another effective method is to look at popular pins in your niche. Find some top-performing pins related to your content and see what hashtags they’re using. This can give you an idea of what’s currently trending and which hashtags are working well. Just make sure the hashtags are relevant to your own content.

Check Out Competitors: Don’t hesitate to check out what your competitors are doing. Look at their pins and take note of the hashtags they’re using. This can provide valuable insights and help you identify hashtags you might have missed. Again, ensure the hashtags are relevant to your content and audience.

Use Hashtag Tools: There are several online tools designed to help you find the best hashtags for your content. Websites like Hashtagify, RiteTag, and others can generate popular and relevant hashtags based on your keywords. These tools often provide analytics, showing you the popularity and engagement levels of different hashtags, so you can choose the most effective ones.

Leverage Pinterest Trends: Pinterest has a “Trends” feature that shows you what’s currently trending on the platform. This can be a goldmine for finding hashtags. If you see a trend that’s related to your content, use the associated hashtags to join the conversation and increase your visibility.

Think Like Your Audience: Put yourself in the shoes of your audience. What words or phrases would they use to search for content like yours? Use those as your hashtags. This ensures your hashtags are user-friendly and relevant, increasing the chances of your pins being discovered by the right people.

Test and Refine: Finally, don’t be afraid to experiment with different hashtags and see what works best. Track the performance of your pins and pay attention to which hashtags bring the most engagement. Over time, you’ll get a better sense of which hashtags are most effective for your content and audience.

Finding the right hashtags might take some time and effort, but it’s definitely worth it. By using these methods, you can discover hashtags that will help your pins reach a larger and more targeted audience.

Is it Better to Use Hashtags or Keywords on Pinterest?

One common question that comes up when using Pinterest for marketing is whether it's better to use hashtags or keywords. Both can help your content get discovered, but they work in slightly different ways. Let’s break it down.


Keywords have always been the bread and butter of Pinterest. When you use keywords in your pin descriptions, titles, and board names, you help Pinterest understand what your content is about. This, in turn, helps your pins show up in search results when users are looking for topics related to your keywords. For example, if you’re pinning a guide about growing succulents, using keywords like "how to grow succulents," "succulent care tips," and "indoor gardening" can help your pin appear in searches for those terms.

Keywords are great because they target users who are actively searching for specific information. They help your content stay relevant for a long time since people can find your pins through search over months or even years.


Hashtags, on the other hand, are a bit newer to Pinterest. They function more like tags that categorize your content and make it discoverable in hashtag feeds. When you use hashtags, your pins can appear in feeds dedicated to those specific tags. This can help your content get noticed more quickly, especially if you're using trending hashtags.

However, the lifespan of a pin found through hashtags might be shorter compared to keywords. Hashtags are great for getting quick visibility and engaging with current trends, but they might not have the same long-term searchability as keywords.

Which is Better?

The truth is, you don’t have to choose between hashtags and keywords. The best approach is to use both strategically. Here’s how you can do it:

Combine Them: When creating a pin, use keywords in your title and description to target search traffic. Then, add a few relevant hashtags to capture the trending topics and make your pin appear in hashtag feeds.

Focus on Relevance: Make sure both your keywords and hashtags are relevant to your content. This will help attract the right audience and improve your engagement rates.

Monitor Performance: Pay attention to which pins perform best and see if they have more engagement due to keywords or hashtags. This can help you refine your strategy over time.

In conclusion, both hashtags and keywords have their own strengths on Pinterest. By using a mix of both, you can maximize your pin’s visibility and reach a broader audience. This balanced approach will help you take full advantage of Pinterest’s search and discovery features.


So, can you use hashtags on Pinterest? Absolutely! Hashtags are a powerful tool that can help your content get discovered more quickly and by the right audience. By understanding how and when to use hashtags, you can boost the visibility and engagement of your pins, contributing to the overall growth of your Pinterest presence.

Remember to use a mix of both hashtags and keywords to maximize your reach. Keywords will help your content stay relevant and discoverable over the long term, while hashtags can give you that immediate boost, especially with trending topics and seasonal content. Combine these strategies to create a well-rounded Pinterest marketing plan.

Finding the right hashtags doesn’t have to be difficult. Use Pinterest search, explore popular pins and competitor strategies, leverage hashtag tools, and keep an eye on Pinterest trends. Always think like your audience and test different approaches to see what works best for your content.

In the end, using hashtags and keywords wisely will help you connect with more people, drive traffic to your site, and achieve your marketing goals on Pinterest. So go ahead, start experimenting with hashtags, and watch your Pinterest game grow stronger.