4 One-Person Businesses That Anyone Can Start Right Now

May 10, 2024

Starting a business on your own might sound like a big challenge, but with the right idea and a bit of hard work, it’s totally doable. Here are four one-person business ideas that you can start in 2024 without needing a big team or a huge investment. Plus, I’ve included examples of each to show you how they actually work.

1. Newsletters

Starting a newsletter is one of the simplest ways to build a business around a topic you’re passionate about. You only need to create content and attract subscribers. Use platforms like Instagram Reels or TikTok to share highlights or insights to drive traffic to your newsletter. You could publish one or two newsletters a week within your niche, which makes it a manageable task while still keeping your audience engaged.

Example: Morning Brew is a perfect example of a successful newsletter. It offers readers quick and witty insights into the business world. You can check them out to get an idea of how a professional newsletter looks and operates. Visit Morning Brew here.

2. Info-Product Selling

Everyone has something they’re good at. Maybe you’re great at cooking, gardening, or even coding. You can take that skill, share some useful tips and tricks on social media to grow your following, and then launch an info-product, like a course. The key here is solving a problem or filling a need that your audience has.

Example: MasterClass offers a variety of courses taught by experts in numerous fields. This site shows how info-products can be structured and marketed. Check out MasterClass here.

3. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is pretty straightforward but effective. You choose products you like or use, and promote them through your chosen traffic source, like Instagram, TikTok, or Pinterest. Your job is to create engaging content that will drive your followers to click on your affiliate links, leading them to buy the products, which in turn earns you a commission.

Example: Wirecutter is a popular site that uses affiliate links to earn revenue. They review various products and provide purchasing links, showing how affiliate marketing can be done effectively. Explore Wirecutter here.

4. Service-Based Business

If you have a skill like graphic design, email marketing, or video editing, you can start offering your services online. Platforms like Upwork or Toptal are great places to find your first few clients. These sites connect freelancers with businesses that need specific tasks completed, which could be a great way to start building your portfolio and client base.

Example: Toptal connects freelancers with companies looking to hire talent for specific projects. It’s a great example of how you can market your services and start a freelance business. Visit Toptal to see how it works.

Starting Your Own Business

Each of these business ideas can be started and run by just one person, and each has the potential to grow into something big. Whether you’re writing newsletters, selling courses, promoting products, or offering services, the internet has made it easier than ever to reach an audience and build a business around your skills and interests. Just remember, the key to success in any business is consistency, engagement with your audience, and delivering value.

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