How to Manually Add a Tracking Number to a Fulfilled Order in Shopify

May 6, 2024

Every online business owner understands the importance of keeping customers informed about their orders. Once an order has been fulfilled, providing accurate tracking information is crucial for building trust and transparency. While Shopify offers automated tracking for many carriers, sometimes manually adding a tracking number to a fulfilled order is necessary.

This article will guide you through the simple steps involved in manually adding a tracking number to a fulfilled order in Shopify:


  1. Navigate to Orders: Log in to your Shopify admin panel and head to the "Orders" section. Still new to Shopify? Sign up for a free trial and get your first month on Shopify for only $1.
  2. Locate the Order: Identify the specific order you need to update by searching for the order number or browsing the list.
  3. Open the Order Details: Click on the order number to access its detailed information page.
  4. Find the Fulfilled Section: Within the order details, locate the section labeled "Fulfilled." Click the order numbers that have a fulfillment status of Partially fulfilled or Unfulfilled. In the Unfulfilled section, click Fulfill items(s) to open the order’s Fulfilment page.
  5. Click "Add Tracking": You'll see an option to "Add tracking" within the Fulfilled section. Click on it.
  6. Enter Tracking Number: A pop-up window will appear in the Tracking Information section. Enter the accurate shipment Tracking number provided by your shipping carrier.
  7. Choose Shipping Carrier (Optional): Shopify might automatically recognize the carrier based on the tracking number format. If not, select the correct shipping carrier from the Shipping Carrier dropdown menu. You can add multiple tracking numbers if the order involves multiple shipments. Click Add another tracking number after entering the first one. It’s important to note that all tracking numbers must be from the same carrier. 
  1. Enter Tracking URL (Optional): You can optionally provide the tracking URL provided by your carrier for customers to access the shipment tracking information directly. If your carrier isn't listed in Shopify's dropdown, select Other and enter the Tracking URL directly. This tracking number will appear on the order status page. Make sure to enter the complete URL (including the digits) provided by your carrier to track the shipment.
  2. Save Changes: Click "Save" to finalize adding the tracking information to the order. Click Fulfil item(s)

By following these simple steps, you can ensure your customers receive timely updates on their shipments, fostering a positive customer experience and building trust in your brand. Remember, clear communication is key to a successful online business, and providing accurate tracking information is an essential part of that communication.